Knights-172. Your choice, but recommend Ju-88s. First target beachheads 168/165. Focus on hard targets, if you can close on your own even better. Secondary Targets 162/168 if things go well. After that remain flexible to move East and attack Beach heads there. Opportunity may exist for anti shipping runs with torpedos. Keep in mind you may rebase and refuel anywhere after the first sortie. I'm not entirely sure on the Ju-88s capability from landing grounds so please look into operating from those as there are many fields in close proximity of targets.
LF 6-167. Your choice, but 109 offers greatest flexibility in firepower. First sortie support destruction of Beach head 165/168. Focus on light targets like static ships and ground vehicles. If you are able to close on your own do so, but also consider mopping up after Ju-88s if need be. Depending on the frame progress be prepared for A2A operations. Remember, flexibility is key and plenty of fields are in reach for rearm/refuel.
352-Your pick 124/130/136. 132 offers 1 step as an "advanced force". Your choice, but 109 offers greatest flexibility in firepower. First sortie head south for destruction of 187/185. Focus on light targets like static ships and ground vehicles. If you are able to close on your own do so but there are a lot of light targets down the East coast to "soften up" the beachheads for later frame ops. Depending on the frame progress be prepared for A2A operations. Remember, flexibility is key and plenty of fields are in reach for rearm/refuel.
Frame 2 in flight map is attached with radar ranges and shipping lanes.