Hello All,
Here are my thoughts for the escort.
I am not a lite pilot so please tell me where I am wrong!
352nd - Initial EscortI added some merge points on the dtf (not shown) to help up coordinate when you get close. Need you to stay off DAR as long as possible (hopefully after T+24) and meet the buffs at about the 3,7,8,6 point (will be m2 of the new DTF). Escort as long as possible.
Then RTB and up to meet returning buffs.
23rd - mid escort/diversionEnter DAR on the south at or
before T+15! head in south and head north to the buffs. Meet by T+55 Escort as long as possible.
Then RTB and up to meet returning buffs.
4th - Deep EscortDon't engage (keep drop tanks) as long as possible. Meet the Buffs over Berlin at T+75. Escort/cover as long as possible.
Please let me know if any of this cant be done.