Beaver wrote:
Jabo said it was safe to assume that the Coast Watchers have a 20 mile radius. I asked him that in private during the first frame.
Hawk, I tested your dtf and it works fine. I was remembering that when Whawk did his, he was able to put the time hacks right onto the dtf, so at 1.1.x there was T+10, then at 2.2.x it said T+25, etc. That would be nice
like zees?
.strsto red 255 0 0 255
.strsto blue 0 0 255 255
.strsto green 0 255 0 255
.strsto white 255 255 255 255
.mapcolor @green@
.mapline 135720.25 853122.69 147839.06 569986.38
.mapworldtext 147839.06 569986.38 53.67miles - T+27
.mapline 147839.06 569986.38 253612.03 464238.81
.mapworldtext 253612.03 464238.81 82.00miles - T+35
.mapline 253612.03 464238.81 171838.58 365010.28
.mapworldtext 171838.58 365010.28 106.35miles - T+49
.mapline 171838.58 365010.28 237822.75 313321.84
.mapcolor @blue@
.mapworldtext 237822.75 313321.84 122.23miles - T+53
.mapcolor @red@
.mapline 237822.75 313321.84 135720.25 853122.69
.mapworldtext 135720.25 853122.69 226.28miles - T+70
.echo Green line out RED line back in good luck ~S~
.echo (c) Route Plan -hawk- - The Knights Who Say Ni!
Those times should be accurate for 60% fuel (more than sufficient) - climb speed 140, around 85% - 90% throttle to climb out.
If costal watchers are 20miles then we are seen right at takeoff (F55) and in route F68. Should we be avoiding this? Or will the donkey dar give us away in any case?