Gums wrote:
Salute! Banzai! Horrido!
Not sure what we should do, JABO.
Gofly and Gums wish to keep our original squad identity for various reasons. But we are truly Nomads, or maybe mercenaries.
I shall go to the CO forum and come up with something. Also have to talk with Nofly about his "side" preference. Ours has been whoever needed buffs.
For the next series, looks like 3 Nomads will fly Allied with the Movers ( Pd, Gums and Gundoc). Gofly will likely fly Axis with the Knights, but that is his call.
Gums sends....
Ist,I never left the Nomads and the last time I checked S6 scores PD and Gundoc had left and were part of UMM! But,regardless, I'm all for flying as the 4 Vagabonds again---will see ya n CO channel!