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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 5:46 pm 
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or is buff tuff coming off 2.0 for this frame.

Sorta nice to keep your on the bouncing ball...


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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 6:07 pm 
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jabo wrote:
New map up. Berlin and target 37 went down in frame 3. Most of the damage was done to Berlin in frame 2 but it was finished off by TOT in frame 3. The rest of the bombers hit 37 and the hapless AI dropped on 37 as well. Luftwaffe did well against the AI bombers, downing a record 34 but the cranked up bufftuff probably was a bit too much, only 1 player B24 was lost. The tight Allied bomber formation was daunting and there were not as many passes as in the previous frames. Luftwaffe seemed to be concentrating more on the escort fighters this frame with 28 shot down against 16 of their own.

Allies have closed the gap on the Luftwaffe this frame but still trail going into frame 4, 359 to 278. Scores are only partial until the S6 is posted and pilot losses and a/c losses of all types can be tallied.

Good Luck in Frame 4.


1. The AI B17s ran all the way into target in fine formation but as soon as bomb-bay doors opened and they dropped they started to loose airspeed and slowly sink to earth, unloaded at T+170 when they were not going to get home. Trying B24s next frame instead to see if there is a difference.

2. Buff tuff was doubled from frame 2 to 3 and will be set back to 1.5 for frame 4. Plane damage\weapons has changed since we last ran a bombers into germany event so it makes is a bit harder to play-balance but we are getting close.

3. AI otto settings looked to be relatively fair, being set at 25% of their maximum ability. Attacking a large formation of AI bombers with speed and smarts was possible and at least 24 direct kills on AI bombers were recorded. Its when the formation breaks down that they seem to be easy meat. No changes on this front.

In other words (cat's translation of (jabo-ese") the buffs were too easy to kill in frames 1 and 2. Buff tuff increased/added for frame 2. Buffs too hard to kill in frame 3 buff tuff should be decreased in frame 4.
I hope that helps :D

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 7:36 pm 
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Madcat wrote:
jabo wrote:
New map up. Berlin and target 37 went down in frame 3. Most of the damage was done to Berlin in frame 2 but it was finished off by TOT in frame 3. The rest of the bombers hit 37 and the hapless AI dropped on 37 as well. Luftwaffe did well against the AI bombers, downing a record 34 but the cranked up bufftuff probably was a bit too much, only 1 player B24 was lost. The tight Allied bomber formation was daunting and there were not as many passes as in the previous frames. Luftwaffe seemed to be concentrating more on the escort fighters this frame with 28 shot down against 16 of their own.

Allies have closed the gap on the Luftwaffe this frame but still trail going into frame 4, 359 to 278. Scores are only partial until the S6 is posted and pilot losses and a/c losses of all types can be tallied.

Good Luck in Frame 4.


1. The AI B17s ran all the way into target in fine formation but as soon as bomb-bay doors opened and they dropped they started to loose airspeed and slowly sink to earth, unloaded at T+170 when they were not going to get home. Trying B24s next frame instead to see if there is a difference.

2. Buff tuff was doubled from frame 2 to 3 and will be set back to 1.5 for frame 4. Plane damage\weapons has changed since we last ran a bombers into germany event so it makes is a bit harder to play-balance but we are getting close.

3. AI otto settings looked to be relatively fair, being set at 25% of their maximum ability. Attacking a large formation of AI bombers with speed and smarts was possible and at least 24 direct kills on AI bombers were recorded. Its when the formation breaks down that they seem to be easy meat. No changes on this front.

In other words (cat's translation of (jabo-ese") the buffs were too easy to kill in frames 1 and 2. Buff tuff increased/added for frame 2. Buffs too hard to kill in frame 3 buff tuff should be decreased in frame 4.
I hope that helps :D

The update that was forced after frame 2 but before frame 3 included revised bomber hit maps for both the b17 and b24 making them more difficult overall. It would be nice to see at least one frame with BT at 1.0 before jacking with them.

And before anyone asks those hit maps and fuel burns were done before the series started but the update was delayed.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 9:16 pm 
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Got it! Thanks Madcat...away from main computer. Using Ipad and tether to check here. Not even sure I'll make it back for Sunday:)

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 10:54 pm 
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=dobs= wrote:
Got it! Thanks Madcat...away from main computer. Using Ipad and tether to check here. Not even sure I'll make it back for Sunday:)

CC bud, I hope you're somewhere fun at least.
We all need to be patient with the new damage system.
Sadly the S3s are the only way to really test what's gong to happen.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 2:39 am 
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The only way to know what the true damage system is like is to use BT 1.0. Frames 1 and 2 were easy because the old damage system was in play. BT is not realistic. Realistic damage values are realistic.


HADES Flight
475th FG (v)

Windows 10.1
AMD A10 6800K Black Edition (OC 4.2Ghz)
16 GB DDR3
GeForce GTX 770Ti
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 3:51 am 
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zinhwk wrote:
The only way to know what the true damage system is like is to use BT 1.0. Frames 1 and 2 were easy because the old damage system was in play. BT is not realistic. Realistic damage values are realistic.

Are you sure the old damage system was in use?
I thought it said somewhere that the "new" system-destroyed sections no longer absorb damage-was in play from the start of this season.
Hopefully Jabo can chime in.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 1:52 pm 
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We are sure madcat....

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 2:40 pm 
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Madcat wrote:
Are you sure the old damage system was in use?
I thought it said somewhere that the "new" system-destroyed sections no longer absorb damage-was in play from the start of this season.
Hopefully Jabo can chime in.

If you mean secondary damage that was done way back in the summer then yes. I sifted through oral diarrhea that is the totalsims forum and found Dawger's post on the DM changes that Jabo thought were made pre-series. Dated Dec 5. From the time of that post, no update occured until Jan 5.

dawger wrote:
Here is a summary of the changes to the hitmap that I did personally.

Lancaster-Removed imaginary gun positions, corrected all gunners to one hitbox (some were some werent), Removed pilot armor that was not directly behind the pilot (This is the confusing part. One would automatically think that more armor is always better but that isn't the case. In order to prevent hitboxes from becoming bullet sponges, when they are destroyed additional damage is applied to a different assigned part. Pilot armor becomes PILOT when destroyed. There was a wall of pilot armor across the fuselage of the Lancaster so that any skilled attack sending rounds into the forward fuselage would hit that wall of armor which would in turn kill the pilot once it reached its damage value.)
Moved pilot hit box one level higher than nose gunner hit box. Increased number of fuel tank hitboxes to actual size of fuel tanks, ADDED landing gear hit boxes.

B24-All humans corrected to one hit box (pilot and nose gunner only ones actually changed). Changed one engine kill hit box to engine damage hit box on each engine to better reflect radial engine installation.(Radial engines are mostly empty space behind the cylinder banks. They are mounted far forward because their light weight per horsepower requires it for Center of Gravity purposes.


Bigger fuel tanks, ADDED Landing Gear

B17-All humans corrected to one hit box (Pilot, nose gunner and Tail gunner), ADDED Landing gear, Bigger fuel tanks, Changed one engine kill hit box to engine damage hit box on each engine to better reflect radial engine installation. Trimmed vertical stabilizer and horizontal stabilizer hit boxes to better reflect the actual structure (The HSTAB was too big on the map and the VSTAB had a bunch of boxes for the fairing on top of the fuselage (Dorsal Fin) that wasnt structural at all. It was an aerodynamic device. Loss of this part of the aircraft would affect handling qualities to a small degree but certainly should not be part of the VSTAB loss of which makes the aircraft very hard to fly)



I am of the opinion that the hitmaps need a major rethink and overhaul for all the aircraft. Airplanes contain a lot of empty space that hits with AP or HE just punch holes in sheet metal. The larger the aircraft the higher percentage of empty space in general. This is why larger aircraft are more survivable than smaller. They aren't built any "stronger" (Bombers generally aren't built to sustain high G levels) but bigger means the actual structure contains more metal and the empty spaces are bigger. I would love to reflect that in the current hitmaps but that is just my opinion. Many would be very upset that their bullets "just pass right through" when in fact that was the reality, especially when shooting at a large aircraft.

Basically, buffs should have been harder to kill in a realistic fashion.

jabo wrote:
2. The positioning and attacks on heavy bombers by the Luftwaffe have been excellent. We tried to leave the damage models on a 1 to 1 scale for this event but it is not working. So buff tuff will be increased for the last 3 frames. Not as much as in previous events before the new damage models but enough to give bombers a chance of returning home. Otto is set quite low and will remain so. AI bombers will continue to have no buff tuff and should prove as easy to down as in previous frames.

We didn't even give the new model a chance. AI were easy in frames 1-2 (for whatever reason they would bail when aggressively hit). In frame 3 post update and actual DM the AI didn't so much as die than wittle away. A good portion were credited as kills only when jabo unloaded them.

Lemme be clear

Point is not to achieve easy kills, just actually run the DM were suppose to have.


HADES Flight
475th FG (v)

Windows 10.1
AMD A10 6800K Black Edition (OC 4.2Ghz)
16 GB DDR3
GeForce GTX 770Ti
1TB SATA Western Digital "Blue" HDD
24" LG LED 1080p
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 3:17 pm 
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Joined: Fri Nov 08, 2013 9:34 pm
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As Zinhawk said:

"Point is not to achieve easy kills, just actually run the DM were suppose to have."

I can't agree more, if the buffs were hard to kill, than that is the way it should be, if they are easy to kill, then the escort needs to redefine it's tactics in co-ordination with the buff dirvers. ;)

CO Beaver
RCAF 417 (II/Wing 127)
City of Windsor

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