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 Post subject: Re: FRAME 2 CO AAR
PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 4:12 pm 
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Joined: Sat Nov 09, 2013 2:27 am
Posts: 394
Ok you didn't ask for it but...........


————START READING HERE (if you want to know reasons read rest below the STOP READING HERE line)


I believe the GOAL is to get as many buffs to the Known Target Area (Berlin) as possible ……… Therefore:

Forget reality, the circumstances are such that we can not be “Going to Berlin” like the past, the “Game” box is too narrow and restricted to be normal. So we play in the box we have. I happen to call it “Love what you Hate”, others might say “embrace the horror”, or “Grind with the Slime”.
Push the limits without breaking them (short of Gaming the Game), because the game is circumstantially fixed (by however many factors you can name…….. small buff counts, reduced player base, bad modifier variance, useless AIs, otto possibly out of whack, etc…).

1.) Buffs at maximum alt deemed correct. My books say 29K was high but not unknown (yes have read 32k often but was rare and I think it is gamey), so to put a hard number on it I say 28K, which means 27k and 29k for the two groups if I understand correct. Forget the “Escorts” not being able to be effective there, the enemy won’t be either.
2.) “Escorts” become fantasy (think “Redtails”, yes it sucks) gun platforms INSIDE the buff group, they join early and formate with the buffs moving same as buffs with many in front beside buffs. If buffs guns won’t do the job then we add some (think YB-40). This thinking eliminates so many “advantages” the enemy has that it becomes extremely attractive the more I ponder it (range issue solved, gun issue solved, bug issue solved). (See 3C/4C)
3.) Have dedicated egress escorts rather than catch as catch can. This is so the 3 or 4 buffs left after the turn from the Known Target Area will have 5 or 6 fresh fighters with them for a while. Timing critical 30 seconds is too late.

OR (not AND) 4.) As =sqtc= says DESTRUCTION of the enemy is the most effective means of prevention in this circumstance(series). If somehow we can assure a 1 to 1 kill ratio then it would be effective for the buffs. (See Recommendation 2). But, numbers aren’t allowing this, so an “All or Nothing” must be made. So far even though we have NOT been ordering to leave the buffs, if one moves a con away even as little as 1500ft from the buffs the effectiveness of the fighter for close escort is nearly eliminated. Fuel is the prime factor here, we MUST remain heavy for as long as possible, they can engage at will because of the Known Target Area and unlimited Dar…….. hence Recommendation 2.

DISCLAIMER: No-one should be deceived, I am a Fighter Pilot (V) and desire to kill the enemy in air to air combat, save buffs and complete the mission. It is possible that this will cause the enemy to deal with us earlier or other to enable us to be more historic. I am NOT a big fan of changing ANYTHING (such as buff tuff or otto or fuel multiplier) in the middle of a series as I believe it kills good strategy and tactics and causes those who do them to throw hands in the air and say WHY DO IT AT ALL. So, I am all for envelope pushing and out of the box thinking (in the mist of bad circumstances or settings) to achieve goals and possibly cause more realistic encounters in the mist of poor circumstances. Then, in a future Series what is learned will be applied and we all will enjoy it more. Note: I call the “Strippers”— “bugs” in this series because no stripping is really needed, fuel and the Known Target Area (with other factors) already take care of stripping, I would “Bug” the hell out of the enemy just as they are because it would be fun.

————STOP READING HERE (its really boring and obvious)

Series Circumstances:

The Narrowness of the Known Target Area, and that it IS a Known Target Area.
The enemy with unlimited Dar (and I assume colored).
The enemy fighting over own territory.
Fuel multiplier set just a little too low.
AIs not operating to give any assistance.
If AIs operate at all, they are easy points for the enemy.

If I were the ENEMY I would:

- 1. Gain max alt and reduce throttle to minimum to save fuel (they have the same fuel problems as us, difficult to get that high and have fuel left). Since the target area is so narrow no need to scout for position or use up fuel once alt achieved.
- 2. Stage 75% of my force on the edge of the Known Target Area at 28 to 30K if possible, again difficult in 190s. (always having 50% minimum my heaviest hitting buff busters if possible).
- 3. Direct pairs of higher faster fighters to the known (because of unlimited Dar and Donkey foiling any feints) fighter escorts and pick off 1 or so 1/2 away from Known Target Area. Thus causing at least a loss of 4 escorts for every one shot down through empathy and nervousness (general).
- 4. After attackers run out of ammo or gas have them land (as rules allow) west as far as possible and re-up. Thus dualy causing escort to go west early to prevent return AND be able to engage buffs for the second, possible (not probable) third time as the target area is narrow, hence the way home is narrow.
- 5. Keep a running count of approximate buff number destroyed (don't have to worry about AI because Dar shows the difference for enemy) and at 90% evaluate egress escort progress and move away or hit egress at coast with 3 or 4 and keep them busy.
- 6. If eval of buff losses equal 100% keep one buff alive and throw most of force to area to kill as many egress escort as possible (not a problem to coordinate as Dar is unlimited).

COUNTER to Enemy Actions:

- 1. No prevention method for enemy gain to max alt. Enemy in own territory with unlimited Dar with Known Target Area.
- 2. 190 capability to do more than one HO pass is limited above 27k. Having buffs come in at over 28k (inclusive) will create a problem for the attackers with big guns. This will also cause just as bad if not worse problems for escorts.
What is maximum (legal?) buff alt historically or reasonably? 29K max? Again VERY difficult to escort at these alts with Known Target Areas and fuel limiter.
- 3A. “Strippers” or bugs can be ignored outright to save fuel, thus causing a 5 to 10% loss (kills to enemy action, because we do not fight back and retain tanks) to each escort group, but increasing escort at Known Target Area by 10%. Other would be to have designated bug killers that would chase in pairs (no rear view means no eyes without wingman) any bugs. This would automatically reduce escort by 10 to 15% but allow (in the perfect world) rest to keep tanks and reduce throttle for maximum distance/engagement time over Known Target Area. Limited numbers of escort cause strain to closer long distance escorts.
- 4A. At the proper time, presumably just before/or after Known Target Area is hit by maximum amount of Real Buffs. Majority of escort (80%?) are in a free kill zone. The escorts are ordered to chase to destruction all enemy in sight. This will result in 50% minimum (probably near 80%) losses of these escorts as the enemy ack is/has been increased to a high level and the enemy is in his own territory with unlimited dar. This will cause the remaining escorts 5 to 8 remaining to be overwhelmed and near 80% shot down with the eventual loss of all buffs before the channel coast, as egress escort is approximately 5 minutes away from this critical period.
- 3B/4B. (Strippers) Bug removal by designated bug removal system. Since loss of 10 to 15% of escort is assured by bugs. We take 15% of the escort and have them dedicated to removal by having them as light as is practical and as high as possible (this being done by light DTs and/ or no DTs) to specifically engage bugs. They (bug removal escorts) will then run out of fuel early and go home early then come direct to Known Target Area and engage just as the buffs hit the Known Target Area (or just after), ensuring that “some” escorts are there. Initially this is “Escorts for the Escorts” then it is “In Due Time Egress Support”. Timing critical 30 seconds is too late.
- 3C/4C. Escorts become Buff Gun “Enhancers”. Escorts (majority not all approx 80%) fly formation with the buffs, each just in front or frontal with the buff he is in charge of (P-47s initially for guns and because of range), he is not —NOT an escort he is an HO machine (you don’t attack B/P-25Hs HO). So, using the good tactics of the enemy against them we eliminate “Stripper” bugs, because to disrupt these HO machines they would have to engage the buffs too (not going to happen). Also, buffers let the AI gunners shoot forward and they man the rear ONLY for safety, when the enemy comes for the well done HO then all HO machines fire back at the known tactic. Any enemy that attempts to dislodge the HO machines will have to contend with the entire buff group. The HO machines will be able to keep ALL fuel for as long as possible and keep throttle very low for extreme range as they will be in formation (same alt/ speed) as the buffs. They will not move until shot down as they are nothing but gun emplacements. This will result in approx 20% loss of HO machines and approx 50% extra loss of enemy attackers (190s mostly, so if they lost 10 it will be 15). The other 20% “Escorts” will be there to give a semblance of “Escort” to have the enemy not understand what is going on for some time. This will work well ONCE (one frame), then a limited use will work indefinitely but the changed enemy tactics will enable us to come near again to reality. This takes advantage of many things in this series: A. Known Target Area B. Limited Escort Range C. Limited Buffs D. Good tactics/attacks by enemy (use against them) E. Unlimited Dar (it looks like buffs) F. Buff defensive power enhanced
- 5. Stagger buff ingress (almost impossible due to Known Target Area). Buffs in pairs at most with designated 3 or 4 escorts for each pair. The initial 2 or 3 buff pairs will be destroyed but because of distance and staggering the enemy will have difficulty getting the 50% (or more) they have gotten in past frames (unlimited Dar) before the Known Target Area. Timing critical 30 seconds is too late.
- 6A. Have egress escorts wait 45min to an hour to take off and “Meet” the buffs just before the target area or just after. Reduction of the ingress escorts approx 20%. Egress escorts will be able to come faster and lower alt as the fight will be buff alt max. Timing critical 30 seconds is too late.
- 6B. Or you have “spares” in the tower, when an amount or number of escorts is eliminated by action then the egress escorts take off in pairs (minimum) and proceed to the Known Target Area (relay system). Timing critical 30 seconds is too late.


Just my thoughts


352nd Fighter Group C.O. (V) - "The Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney"
487th Fighter Squadron (V)-HO
486th Fighter Squadron (V)-PZ
328th Fighter Squadron (V)-PE
We have the whips - KILL THEM ALL

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 Post subject: Re: FRAME 2 CO AAR
PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 5:17 pm 
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Joined: Wed Nov 13, 2013 4:45 am
Posts: 210
And all I thought all you were going to say was ... kill them all.

Unknown if current BUFF TUFF / OTTO setting was intended or not.
Just reporting findings.

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 Post subject: Re: FRAME 2 CO AAR
PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 6:30 pm 
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Joined: Sat Nov 09, 2013 3:00 pm
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Interesting thots, Juice.

1: Above 25K is not historical, especially for the long haul to Big B with lottsa gas and heavy ord..

2: From many HO scenarios i have seen, the buffs can prolly live with a small loss rate. A handful of lites out front really screws up the HO effectiveness, and the LW have to convert to a slashing attack or saddle up at deep six.

3: My personal view is we should try to get tonnage on Big B and not try to destroy a factory or such. And as Juice has figured out, it's buffs over Berlin and heavy eggs.

4: Juice is correct about RTB/reception escort. Early escort zips home and comes back. We have three large lite outfits and they should be able to come up with a tactic to get the most buffs over tgt. If all the lites wish to do is shoot down other lites on this type of series, then all is lost.

Gums opines....

"God in your guts, good men at your back, wings that stay on - and Tally Ho!"

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 Post subject: Re: FRAME 2 CO AAR
PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 9:53 pm 
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Joined: Wed Nov 13, 2013 1:14 am
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Let's start a think thread and not highjack the AAR one. Juice, You hit many points right on. I was thinking of making sure we had fighters with the buff groups just like you mention. I watched Red tail again and watched how they did things. I think no matter what route or alt we take what is going to matter is how we use tac turns and our fighters. I could be wrong, but let me know if we're on track.

Capt Hawk
CO - The Knights Who Say Ni!

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 Post subject: Re: FRAME 2 CO AAR
PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 11:32 pm 
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Joined: Sat Nov 09, 2013 5:28 am
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Hawk wrote:
I watched Red tail again and watched how they did things.

Can Redtails "the movie" be used as reference? :lol:
Historically speaking, the release of escorts to chase and kill enemy fighters is what eventually destroyed the Luftwaffes's fighting effectiveness.
It was true in the Battle of Britain and it was true in the Raids into Germany.

Some of them will always get through, just like suicide bombers.
The more we kill the less they have to make attacks on the egress.

What Juice said.
Embed escorts.
Set a fighter flight in front and left/right sides and have them rotate through the positions.
Certain flights are the "shooters" who's purpose is to kill the bandits.
Others are to ward off the bandits.

We've done this before.
The biggest issues are comms for buff location and form up, fighter escort relay and the fact they know exactly where we're going.

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 Post subject: Re: FRAME 2 CO AAR
PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 3:14 am 
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according to the write up:
For the first time the USAAF targets Berlin by daylight. The mission is to draw the remaining Luftwaffe fighter strength up high over Germany and destroy it. The numbers of P51s has increased dramatically and they along with P47s will sweep the skies around the bombers and intercept incoming German fighters. Attacks on Berlin were sure to provoke the Luftwaffe so the stage was set for fierce duels across Western European skies.

The USAAF must get as many bombers to Berlin and back while the Luftwaffe must be relentless in their attacks on both player driven B17/B24s and a host of AI bombers.

draw them up and destroy them.

4th Fighter Group

formerly: -=Night Stalkers=- | 44th FS Vampires | Widowmakers

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 Post subject: Re: FRAME 2 CO AAR
PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 3:37 am 
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Joined: Tue Apr 01, 2014 1:09 pm
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I started a new thread to continue the discussion.

Newest member of the 4th

No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.
George S. Patton

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