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PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 5:55 pm 
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Joined: Wed Nov 13, 2013 12:38 am
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Location: テキサス - Lae, 1942
=vslp= wrote:
I think it was a cv battle where we had no gps and had to vor everything to determine our position. Faced with a long session of patrolling the ocean looking for enemy ships, it was a welcome excersise in navigation. Even had to find our own ships. Don't think I can enjoy grey radar dots. Spent to much time bouncing and maneuvering toward friendly dots. Now that I think about it, I really did NOT enjoy gray dots. We to few and terrain to big and its hard enough finding the right kind of fight even with good gci. They did have some kind of IFF in ww2 didn't they?

It was an IJ series in the large Malta terrain. I recall this event with a big smile. Not only because of it was the first IJ series I flew in which had the Zero but more because of one particular frame.

I was with Jg51 at the time and the great 303 Kościuszko had just de-banded. We received Briar, Rat and Subcpo from the 303. Subcpo was, as his callsign suggest, a Chief Petty Officer onboard a submarine. Rat and Briar called him Chief. So Chief took navigational lead for the squad and flew us all over the map...according to VOR. What we all didnt realize in the constant Noon-time sky, was that we were flying east and off the map. Chief swore we were headed to land. We knew our CV was just off the east side of the northern land mass...but we contineued, like sheep, following the Navigator. After furious .vor typing and cross referencing, we finally realized our (his) mistake and turned back. I still laugh at it today.

I am not a fan of NO GPS frames because the terrain is devoid of landmarks and as was stated earlier, causes an undue number of minutes with your head inside the cockpit, which is bad for your health.

I do like the Grey Dots, as it allows for the notification of contacts, but does not tell you if they are friendly or foe - requiring you to get a visual ID.

Whatever the settings...we will adapt.


~Sakai - 坂井
Tainan Kokutai - 台南

Akatombo | White 576 | Curtiss AVG

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 6:16 pm 
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it's not like your gyro gets all screwed up in a dogfight!
No caging and uncaging necessary

Most people poo their pants when they look at the map and don't see their little dot on it :)

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 7:32 pm 
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Honestly, I enjoyed the no-GPS events that I flew in. I remember way back when =weis= and I tangled 1v1 in the ETO and I fortunately came out on top. However, I became seperated from the rest of the 31st and had no idea where I was. Alone and fairly lost (in a P47 no less) it was an exercise in head in/ out of the canopy...was sweating, had a scotch and smoked about 10 Cig's when I landed...doesn't get more realistic then that! :D

Back in the KG2 days, flying by groundspeed and time...pretty realistic stuff if you ask me. Thank God we had -esme- and learje doing the navigation! :mrgreen:

23rd Fighter Group

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 4:35 am 
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From the sounds of it, I think the best solution would be to shut the GPS off for the fighters and leave it on for the Buffs! :D

Ok, in all seriousness, for those of us that are not real world pilots, not having GPS is a killer, I would end up bombing Paris instead of Berlin. I don't own or know how to use, one of those little flight calculators that Dew can use so well.

I do think grey dots are the way to go. I missed last season so not sure what was used but I don't recall ever having color dots before last series. I could be forgetting.

Newest member of the 4th

No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.
George S. Patton

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 6:45 am 
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Joined: Thu Nov 21, 2013 10:58 pm
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What does no GPS mean?

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Screen Shot 2014-11-20 at 10.37.13 PM.png [ 65.56 KiB | Viewed 4765 times ]

or can the HUD be turned off at the server?

Im just asking because I don't know.

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 3:20 pm 

Joined: Wed Nov 13, 2013 12:54 am
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GPS means there is no you are here square and arrow. The hud still works and yes those numbers plus .vor is all you need. We did this proly 8 years ago for a Big Berlin raid.

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 3:40 pm 
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Cycling GPS might be a good first "acclimation" step.

Leave Dar for sides, but can it be set to not differentiate between AI and human?

If that is a setting, then I vote a "radar blip" is a "radar blip" and you have to investigate for AI or human.

IFF was developed early WWII...but did not work very well.

Some "light reading"...


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PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 6:14 pm 
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Can't say as I like the idea.
It's been hard enough to find a fight as it is the last few S3s.
10 grids looking at nothing wears you out.

Between sorting out new maps, new FMs new updates (game and FMs), practicing in an S3 ride, Beta testing, never mind work, redoing 2 bathrooms...
Well you get the idea.

Then there's those of us who need the crutch simply due to real life circumstances.
I can't tell left from right, trying to figure out where I am on a large map just ain't going to happen.
In real life I'd have washed out for dyslexia and poor night vision.
For those of us who have no interest in learning yet one more thing in an attempt to have fun on late Sunday night we can opt out. :D

If that's the experience you want, why not just refrain from using your map?

So, yeah give it a whirl.

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 10:03 pm 
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I'm in the same vein as Madcat is on the issue, only if we are indeed using the ETO terrain.
It is quite a large terrain in comparison to others we've used lately.
Perhaps one of the smaller terrain setups may be better to reintroduce the no GPS for starters.
Just my 2 pennies.


There are 2 kinds of people in this world...
Fighter pilots – and those that wish they were.

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 11:24 pm 
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zinhwk wrote:
=vslp= wrote:
They did have some kind of IFF in ww2 didn't they?

Yeah, it was called a radio.

What we have is more like BLUFOR. Radar operatives could recognize large formations and to a degree type by silhouette, but it still required eyes on to know exactly what you are dealing with. Right now there is almost no point in calling "Merged" when you can track the enemy to the nearest foot. Radar types is not a pilot problem anyway as we do not have in flight dar.

To me GPS on/off don't matter to me, but we should consider this is still a game, not a job, that most have limited time to play. Can't really afford to get everyone lost for 3 hours. IMO GPS is not far different from a well trained pilot that we fancy ourselves to be and the time it should take triangulate position with the tools at hand vs GPS is a moot point.

Sometimes I think one of the youngest guys on here is also one of the wisest.



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