Here is the route I am looking at. I know it is a way around but I think this will give everyone time to cover us. We should reach 15 shortly after reaching F234 at T+20.
I might take a direct route to F8 after we hit F206 but I need your direction on that. If not, I'll follow my DTF home.
.strsto red 255 0 0 255
.strsto blue 0 0 255 255
.strsto green 0 255 0 255
.strsto white 255 255 255 255
.strsto F008 579449.44 246242.11
.strsto F234 431085.00 437696.00
.strsto F254 229721.45 431001.56
.strsto F256 212560.28 219378.88
.strsto F206 126337.61 268953.34
.strsto IP 213031.45 253981.05
.mapcolor @white@
.mapcircle 339604.1 350955.0 26400
.mapcircle 342074.2 292778.3 26400
.mapcircle 368884.0 183938.6 26400
.mapcircle 289290.0 183564.0 26400
.mapcolor @green@
.mapline @F008@ @F234@
.mapline @F234@ @F254@
.mapline @F254@ @IP@
.mapline @IP@ @F256@
.mapline @F256@ @F206@
#.mapworldtext 464817 306331 179 deg. for 20.15m
#.mapworldtext 464872 253127 +
#.mapworldtext 464872 258127 (total 57.90m)
.mapcolor @red@
.mapline @F206@ @F254@
.echo Green line out RED line back in good luck ~S~/
.echo (c) noflyz - United Mud Movers -
.echo Technical Unit - Cartographic Division