As the mission is planned, there probably won't be a second sortie for the bombers. Yes, we'll need to get to altitude and yes, my squaddies can hit their targets from 27-30K.
The mission, as planned, calls for the closure of several outposts/artys by the fighter squads resulting in 35 points, if 100% successful. That's a great first sortie for them. You want us to be climbing during their first sortie, if I understand your plan. That's a good idea, too.
However, I would ask that you allow us to be based at both F1 and F87 and allow me to split up the bombers into two groups. Both groups would take off and fly toward a set RP at F13 grabbing as much alt as possible. Then, based on the GCI, at the time, either they would continue together or split up and hit targets in the North and/or South. (See picture below)
If we can get a good turn out of pilots, I'd like to see us remain in the two groups to avoid nearly being completely wiped out in one spot as has been happening.
Also, if you will allow us to hit the outposts designated in the image, we could bring home possibly as much as 42 points (22 in South and 20 in the North). By hitting the airfields only, we can only hope to bring you 15 points, if we are 100% successful. There are many more targets at those fields, as compared to the outposts. FYI, two outposts are six points and 1 GAF is only 5 points.
We'll do whatever you prefer, but just thought I'd toss that out there for consideration. The flight plan that I proposed in the image allows us to be in a position to go wherever your GCI points us and might put us in a good position to be escorted by fully fueled/armed escorts that can stay with us over enemy territory.
If we must continue on together on one route or the other, we still haven't lost any time.