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PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 3:27 pm 
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Joined: Tue Nov 12, 2013 5:25 pm
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Location: Northern Indiana
Night Stalkers like the static ships at F5... with the possibility of hitting moving AI destroyers on the way in or out.

But the approach and return are in a rather tight area between edge of map and enemy airfields...

We would like to make the attack later in the frame when their CAP has gotten bored or been attritted down in numbers.

Any kind of escort or reception escort would be much appreciated.

That said, if you want us to go for or be a part of the CV attack that's fine too.

What do you want to do Darryl?

4th Fighter Group

formerly: -=Night Stalkers=- | 44th FS Vampires | Widowmakers

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 5:31 pm 
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Joined: Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:28 pm
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Darryl I have some time tonight to meet and discuss our thoughts if that works out for you.

Colonel mt-dew
Commanding Officer
-=Night Stalkers=-
"If you see us, it's already too late"

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 2:15 am 
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Thanks <S>

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 2:36 pm 
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Salute! Aye aye!

So looks like Coral Sea Deux, or Midway.

Gums sends...

"God in your guts, good men at your back, wings that stay on - and Tally Ho!"

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 4:12 pm 
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Joined: Mon Nov 11, 2013 3:44 am
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Rebasing Question:
I'd like to have the 352nd rebase to the south land bases and allow the bomber group to rebase to the carrier. The bomber group will either be finished for the night, or will launch a second sortie to finish off carrier group ships or #6 shipping North of Bougainville Island depending on time remaining for striking ground targets. If the 352nd needs to refuel before heading south, they will land at the CV and take-off before the bombers land there. The goal is to get the fighters south to help protect our static shipping for the remainder of the night. Will the rules permit this?


Think I understand why you would want to rebase but based on Series Rules as I read-No unless that squad has logged off for the night.
9. Squad Basing - each airfield has a limited amount of squad steps as well as types it may base during a frame. Squads may move to a new airfield only if there are enough steps and types available to move there during play. Larger squads may have to base at two or more airfields during play. Squads that sign-off for the night free up their base to be used by other squads.

Maybe the Jag Man DeWolf will chime in here

AG-8-Doolittle Raiders
Member, Nomads
WBs 2004

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 6:04 pm 
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9. Squad Basing - each airfield has a limited amount of squad steps as well as types it may base during a frame. Squads may move to a new airfield only if there are enough steps and types available to move there during play. Larger squads may have to base at two or more airfields during play. Squads that sign-off for the night free up their base to be used by other squads.
•small fields, grass fields and seaplane bases = 1 step
•medium fields and CVs = 2 steps
•large fields = 3 steps

In regard to having Squads "switch" bases, Darryl's instructions would likely be within the Rules. IF he has whoever is on the carriers VACATE the carrier and go somewhere else, then the carriers should be available to place (2) steps per carrier there. My understanding of this is to attempt to simulate in some way that IRL the fields themselves have finite amounts of fuel and ammo to pass around until the fields get resupplied. In the terrain we have, the "trick" is to send the "replaced" steps to a field that they happen to have the fuel to reach. Additionally, some consideration might be given to the Squad that is VACATING the carrier to have bases to operate from which they can be effective. Should the carrier fighters have to go some significant distance, and then the buffs land on the carrier and stand down, ALL of those airplanes become unserviceable to their "side" for the rest of the Frame. Some "discussion" might occur if one took great pains to make sure that the carrier-based fighters were airborne when additional steps of bombers land on the carrier land there with the purpose of standing-down, THEN have the carrier fighters return to the carrier. OTOH, history would tell us that this procedure has occurred on land bases in the past.

Happy trails...
XO 352nd Fighter Group (virtual)


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PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 8:12 pm 
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Joined: Tue Nov 12, 2013 3:04 am
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Would it be possible to rebase the 352nd to the land bases in the south? Would you have enough fuel to make it there?

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 8:34 pm 
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Give us a Field number and we can test it for you. Just remember, having "just enough fuel to make the base", takes us out of the action all together. Also please remember that the CV is sailing to the West. As the Frame progresses, the CV gets further and further away from the "alternate" field. So we need to know about when you suspect all this will happen, so we can guesstimate how much further from the starting point the CV will be at a square-and-a-half each hour from where it started. If the intent is to land the strikers and stand down, use the closed base at F-33. You would achieve the same result of landing airplanes you don't intend to use again. Using this procedure would also leave you with CVs that could still defend themselves with the available CAPs.

Happy trails...
XO 352nd Fighter Group (virtual)


Last edited by dewolf on Sun Mar 23, 2014 1:58 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 11:57 pm 
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Joined: Tue Nov 12, 2013 3:04 am
Posts: 417
Please test whether you can make it to fields F38 and F40.

I was told that our CV was moving to the West, however. That's what I based this rebasing concept upon.

Can someone verify which direction the CV is going?

Darryl <S>

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 1:15 am 
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Joined: Sat Nov 09, 2013 7:15 am
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Sorry, my error. However, we still need to know WHEN you may wish this to occur. The point made, however, is accurate. As the Frame progresses, the CV gets further and further away from those bases.


Secondarily, there will be C-47 penalty planes to be flown. Who, when, and what?

Darryl wrote:
Please test whether you can make it to fields F38 and F40.

Assuming that F-38 and F-40 will either not be assigned to anyone, or you plan to vacate them, we "should" be able to make those fields IF we can refuel, rearm on the CV prior to departure. We would need the use of both fields if we aren't standing down following landing. If there is any time at all remaining in the Frame once we land, it would be our intent to fly until the very end of allowable time.

Happy trails...
XO 352nd Fighter Group (virtual)


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