Should the Frame CO elect to attack F-37, suppression of the forces there should not be difficult. The enemy can base (6) brave souls there if they wish, much like was done by the Allies at F-45 in Frame 3. In addition to that, only four guns have to be taken out to gain all the points from the objects on the field that can be achieved by our fighters and/or strikes who have ammo left returning from other duties. IF one does not want the enemy to know that we have a strafing mission going on there at any particular time, it becomes an early target. If the Allies want to close the field for the points associated with that, LOTS of targets become required. All of the tents are "houses". However, the "ammo dumps" should go pretty easily as they are actually just stacks of ammo boxes under camo tarps. Other than preventing aircraft based there from attacking our nearby bases when all Allied aircraft are out on a mission, the field likely has little "strategic" value as the field will probably be in "Allied territory" in Frame 5 when the front moves.
Gums wrote:
Any chance we could have a few lites do some searches to find the shipping?
Gums opines....
Just an observation but what is a SCOUT/Bomber/Douglas for?