Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 3:36 pm |
Joined: Sat Nov 09, 2013 2:27 am Posts: 394
-- I am commenting with things that will hurt my own side.........
1. Kamikazes effective as a distraction that MUST be dealt with, also having chased 10+ they can/do/will hit ships effectively. If possible the routine needs be not just 1 but 2 or 3 (ingress) , meaning, if possible they come from different directions nearly every time. This would be very difficult and frustrating to deal with as we attempt to achieve frame goals with this constant issue of Kamikazes. Also have them come in at higher than 15k ft.
2. The enemy needs to be able to be closer to us, they have to fly too far to engage and react effectively or to defend their own. Conversely the allies need to be farther away to get to goal targets. We are the invaders so we need be distant (would argue that we are but another 10 miles would make it much worse).
3. Eliminate or shorted DAR for the allied side for the series. (yes as I said this makes if very bad for allies)
4. Teaching comment: Japanese aircraft do not take kindly to high speeds or distant shots. When you engage/become engaged know that you are here and not leaving. SLOW DOWN, you cannot turn well above 200mph AT ALL. DO NOT dive out, you are going nowhere. Can you escape by speed .....yes, BUT you must set up the aircraft and have an angle and a plan. True escape is up....... not down, take your time, you are not running, and couldn't if you tried with out a plan. Zeke guns (particularly the -5) are very adequate if not more than adequate. The tail of the F4F/FM-2 is very vulnerable, DONT fire cannon outside of D2(D1 is my rule). I am having to use 30% ammo on the average axis including AI, I am used to 10 to 12%.
5. Numbers were almost even AND dozens of AI coming. Pick your spots and get a feel. Shadow the AI's and then pounce on ammo less fighters etc. Feel your way first frame and see where you can frustrate, confuse, hide in the AI then pounce, OVERCOME.
352nd Fighter Group C.O. (V) - "The Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney" 487th Fighter Squadron (V)-HO 486th Fighter Squadron (V)-PZ 328th Fighter Squadron (V)-PE We have the whips - KILL THEM ALL
Last edited by Juice= on Tue Mar 23, 2021 6:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 9:01 pm |
Joined: Thu Nov 14, 2013 7:23 pm Posts: 180 Location: Bay Area, CA
<S> Muzz,
This is not a rip on any of the game set up, just what we experienced. We really appreciate the hard work you guys put in.
We rolled at T+0, flew directly toward the fleet, and weren't able to RV with the first wave of Kamis for cover because they got to the fleet 10 minutes before we could. It may have been helpful in the orders to know where they would be exactly, and what alt in order to cover them. We eventually found a group to cover on our second hop.
We lost a few guys on our first run to mid-air explosions above ships. We took bombs to try and hit the fleet, but in doing so lost a few of us after dropping our ord. Not sure why we exploded. Some may have hit the crazy mast collision bubble, but some were well above when we exploded. No pings heard.
Like TMOA I found Zeke ammo non-effective. Hammered 2 f4s at D1 - D2 with 20mm. Don't think I did any damage.
My second death was due to a collision, my third I was shot down in a fur ball by f4 very quickly.
By just after half point of S3 we only had 2 guys left with a life. They got a little discouraged and logged.
This may help with some explanation of why there were none of us at the end of the frame.
Again, thanks for all the effort.
Swanee ---------------------------------------- There are 2 kinds of people in this world... Fighter pilots – and those that wish they were.
Last edited by swanee on Tue Mar 23, 2021 1:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 12:20 am |
Joined: Wed Nov 13, 2013 12:54 am Posts: 649
23rd set out to join a kami formation, which proved impossible to do with the first wave as they arrived before we could. Seeing the first defenseless wave falling one by one was quite disheartening to start a frame with and kinda set the 'mood' for the frame it seems. Our intelligence officers need shot! We should know flight paths, alt, etc. Having good kami intel is essential, even if we disregard them and follow other objectives. There are things we can do to probably help our situation, true.
fwiw, I got a fuel leak at some point and luckily made it to a transport base. Yes I did get away. Then flew a transport back to nearest fighter base. Then fly way back to get in the action. This took me around 25+minutes. I know we don't want folks to die then relaunch and be back in the action in 5 mins. I don't know the answer, but 25 mins round trip is a bit too long I think. We'll see what the next setup is and plan accordingly. <S>
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Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 9:15 pm |
Joined: Sat Nov 09, 2013 2:43 am Posts: 210
Seems when we have had A6M and F4F match ups in S3 series the F4F some how comes out on top.
In theory the A6M is the superior aircraft; better turn rate, faster, better climb, better guns. But in the arena in squad vs squad play the F4F tends to fair a little better. The big issue with the Zero, as Juice pointed out, is you have to get it in it's optimal speed envelop and close to be effective. At faster speeds you can't maneuver. Once you slow down you are committed win or lose.
The F4F has .50s that are better suited for shooting and doing damage at longer distances (D3-4). With that said, all things equal in a 1 vs 1 engagement, a decent A6M pilot will win out over a decent F4F pilot. In a Mele, the Wildcat seems to do better. At least that has been my observation.
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