phenix wrote:
unclaimed: <====What does "unclaimed" mean????
-mika- BBB, MOB
-pmhb- BBB, MOB
bigtoe BBB, MOB, TOC, OSL
charco BBB, MOB
chough BBB, MOB
donald BBB
hogjas BBB
ken-eg BBB, MOB
rrcadi BBB, MOB
US bombers, both level and dive, are putting in huge numbers so far in the first 2 frames. 425 targets have been destroyed by the Allies. The much smaller IJ bomber forces took out 5 ships including a CV.
A6m3's and Ki61's are doing well for the IJN/A. Zeros went 23 victories (+8 AI) for 20 losses while Tonys had 18 kills (+4 AI) and 9 losses. Meanwhile the Corsair led the Allies in kills with 18 victories (+3 AI), but with 16 losses. While P38's had a K:D ratio less than 1, it is worth mentioning they destroyed 66 targets this past frame.