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PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2020 10:41 pm 
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Joined: Sun Nov 24, 2013 9:36 pm
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Location: Buffalo, NY
Feb 1943.

By permission of the Emperor, we have completed our withdrawal of Guadalcanal.

We have learned that the Americans have completed construction of 1 possibly 2 airfields on the island. It would seem the goal of the Americans is to push us back out of the Solomons in order to isolate our major base at Rabaul. They are foolish and will suffer a humiliating defeat.

We must hold our bases at the Russells and if possible attack and retake Guadalcanal.

Be aware there are at least 2 American carriers in the vicinity if not 3. Search for the enemy carriers and send them to the bottom of the sea.

The Americans are nothing more than criminals and hoodlums. Let us show them the way of the warrior. The way of the Samurai!

The following are Rules given to Allies as to taking territory in this series. It is important for Axis CO's to know the rules the allies must follow, so please read.

Your goal is to take as much of the Solomon Islands from the Japanese as you can in the 5 frames.

!!! !You must take airfields in your next Mission objective zone FIRST as shown on map. For example Frame 1 you are based at Guadalcanal. Your next Mission Objective Zone is the Russell Islands.

You may NOT skip islands and close forward airfields. However, you may attack any ports and any coast watchers anywhere on the map which will give you points and shut down enemy DAR. While you many not close a forward airfield, you may hit any forward airfield’s DAR and ack. (you won’t get points for that, but it may help you strategically. (airfields will rebuild for next frame) Coastal watchers and ports in the conquered Frame zone will become yours next frame. Coastal watchers in your Zone, if closed by the enemy will remain closed for frame but will reopen next frame.

Once you have closed the airfields in your Frame Mission zone, you MAY then move to the next zone and attack to close those airfields anywhere in that next zone.

You DO NOT NEED TO CAPTURE with troops. A field that is closed will stay closed for that frame. You will not be able to use it until the next Frame.

****Ports do not need to be closed in order to move the front forward but are targets for additional points.

CV’s will be available and will be in position to launch offensives. Your Navy pilots must launch from CV’s

The enemy has CV’s and shipping. When a CV is sunk, it is lost for the series. So it may be of interest to find and destroy CV’s.

Shipping. There will be supply shipping and there will be Crusiers and Destroyers on both side…sometimes they will be engaged in battle with each other. You may attack and sink enemy ships for points. Sinking enemy Cruisers and Destroyers will also protect your own ships.

BBB1 with dar.jpg
BBB1 with dar.jpg [ 488.54 KiB | Viewed 2897 times ]

4th But First!

Last edited by nookyb on Wed Mar 11, 2020 3:37 am, edited 3 times in total.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 3:23 pm 
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We need to come up with a plan to defend the Russells.

We also need to determine squad roles. We need 30-50% of our pilots flying from CV (IJN) and the rest from Land based.

We need to defend the Russells, attack Guadalcanal and search for nme CV's to sink. So we may need some torpedo or dive bombers once CV's are found.

4th will volunteer for iJAAF frame 1. We'll base at the Russells. Since we'll have Ki-43 maybe we can send a few pilots to take out their coast watcher 57 on Guadalcanal to knock back their DAR a bit.

352 can fly IJN from CV. Maybe we can switch with you for frame 2. You'll have the Zero, so you should defend and disrupt their attack.

JG51, Tain Kokutai, Night Stalkers, and 69th can choose your roles. Defend Russell airfields and port, Attack Guadalcanal or search and destroy enemy CV's.

We can be sure that the Raiders will probably roll B-17s or B-24, climb N or S and come in high. But, that will also cut their defense numbers by 8... so maybe a quick attack on Guadalcanal will set them on their heels. I dont know how effective Japanese aircraft will be against heavy bombers... any ideas?

Also each side has 3 CV for series. Sinking all or at least 2 of their CV's within the first 2 frames would be a significant loss for them. Defending our own will be a priority as well.

comments welcome.

4th But First!

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 3:35 pm 
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Joined: Wed Nov 13, 2013 12:38 am
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Location: テキサス - Lae, 1942
~S~ Nooky-san.

Let me get with -Tmoa- and Drdart about role for Lf6 (Jg51/TK).

I am leaning towards being CV based and CV hunting. Will advise in the next day or two.


~Sakai - 坂井
Tainan Kokutai - 台南

Akatombo | White 576 | Curtiss AVG

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 4:31 pm 
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Understood discussion....

I am ignorant and don't see what aircraft are available each frame, I can only see the list of points for kills.
Would help to understand availability precisely.

352nd can do.

For best uses need to know plane types available.


352nd Fighter Group C.O. (V) - "The Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney"
487th Fighter Squadron (V)-HO
486th Fighter Squadron (V)-PZ
328th Fighter Squadron (V)-PE
We have the whips - KILL THEM ALL

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 10:11 pm 
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Plane set for Frame 1 and 2:

ALLIES - Frame 1-2
Special rules:
* The Allies must commit 30-50% of their pilots to fly as the USN each frame. The USN pilots must operate from CV's, using only USN assigned airplanes. Individual USN pilots can emergency refuel at land bases but squads should operate from their CV while it's still afloat.
* 50-70% of the Allied pilots must fly as the USAAF, operating from land bases with USAAF assigned airplanes. If emergency landing on a CV, the pilot loses that USAAF fighter for the frame, but not his life and can fly an SBD-5 or TBF-1 from that CV instead. He can fly to a land base and change plane, but the SBD or TBF is now part of his inventory instead of the lost plane.

3x F4F-4

1x TBF-1
2x SBD-5

1x F4U-1
1x P-38G
1x P-40E
1x P-39D

1x B-17F (max 6 pilots per frame!)
2x B-24D
1x B-25D

AXIS - Frame 1-2
Special rules:
* The Axis must commit 30-50% of their pilots to fly as the IJAAF each frame. The IJAAF pilots must operate from land bases, using only IJAAF assigned airplanes. If emergency landing on a CV, the pilot loses that IJAAF fighter for the frame, but not his life and can fly a D3A or B5N from that CV instead. He can fly to a land base and change plane, but the D3A or B5N is now part of his inventory instead of the lost plane.
* 50-70% of the pilots must fly as the IJN, operating from CV's with assigned IJN planes. Individual IJN pilots can emergency refuel at land bases but squads should operate from their CV's while still afloat.

1x A6M3
2x A6M2

2x D3A2
1x B5N2

1x Ki-61-Ib
2x Ki-43-Ib

2x G4M1
1x D3A2
1x B5N2

4th But First!

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2020 4:25 pm 
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352nd Fighter Group C.O. (V) - "The Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney"
487th Fighter Squadron (V)-HO
486th Fighter Squadron (V)-PZ
328th Fighter Squadron (V)-PE
We have the whips - KILL THEM ALL

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 11:12 pm 
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To Japanese Forces
From IJN Command

The Carrier Shōkaku is on its way back to Japan for repairs to damage she took at the Battle of Santa Cruz.

The Carriers Zuikaku and Ryūhō will be operational.

4th But First!

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 3:52 pm 
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Joined: Wed Nov 13, 2013 12:38 am
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Location: テキサス - Lae, 1942
~S~ Nooky-san!

Jg51/TK will self assign to Carrier Ops.

We ask high command to provide our Kaga assignment, route in which CV will travel and expected reconnaissance area for US Carrier(s).

Arigato, gozaimasu!


~Sakai - 坂井
Tainan Kokutai - 台南

Akatombo | White 576 | Curtiss AVG

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 6:02 pm 
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Sakai, JG 51 and 352 will be our IJN pilots for frame 1 then.

CV location and path will be coming asap.

Still waiting for confirmation on where the CV's will be located. One will be I'm guessing within 30-60 miles of Russell is. the other should be away from the front and out of danger from enemy attack.

4th But First!

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 7:15 pm 
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Joined: Thu Nov 14, 2013 7:09 pm
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Would need information about CV positions. Very hard to take any decisions without the knowledge.

Needs to enforce air superiority against enemy fighters. Send out at least 2-3 scouts to find enemy CV locations. Once found go B5N2's to sink these CV's. Coordinate with the IJAAF for a simultaneous strike. Also from T+30 needs to keep at least 3 wingpairs on vigilant CAP around their CV. We only have a limited amount of CV's this series and cannot afford to lose one. If we are to intercept enemy bombers, the IJN has to do it, as only they have sufficient armament on their fighters until frame 3.


IJAAF fighters have weak armament and can't successfully engage enemy bombers until we have the Ki-61-Ic in frame 3, and should keep to engaging enemy fighters and bombing strategic locations. IJAAF should have a few bomber pilots in G4M1's from T+0 to either close ports, or close DARs. The IJAAF fighters would do good to escort these or look for trouble, in coordination with IJN fighters. Airfields are probably to hard to close with the arsenal we have. We can go for field closure at the last hour if we have gained supreme air superiority by then, but this is an "if" mission. If enemy CV's are found, coordinate with the IJN for a simultaneous strike. The G4M1 can also carry torpedoes and are good for CV hunting.

P.S. Is it possible to shrink the map picture a bit? It doesn't fit my screen so I have to side-scroll each line in all posts to read them :lol:


Last edited by Robert on Sun Mar 15, 2020 10:58 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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