Thanks for COing the frame, sir.
I think we supressed the 109's and 190's quite well. The Me 163's however were near impossible to catch. I tried to dive on them from 10000 ft advantage several times, but couldn't get within d8 and then they ran away from me. Each Me 163 could get several passes on the buffs, and only the buff guns could deal with them. Our fighters seemed unable to catch them and I think we lost large numbers of buffs to the 30 mm cannon armed jets this frame. We probably need input from all fighter pilots of how to deal with the swarm of jets in frame 5 so they don't have free reign among the buffs.
The B-17's were pretty much flown at the highest altitude they could get, so wouldn't be surprised if they were mushing through the air near stall speed. On the ingress in frame 5 it's maybe better to have the buffs fly at 2000 ft less than in frame 4. This so that the buffs can easier keep together. When the buffs are spread all over then the escorts are constantly second guessing on which buff to cover and where to be positioned. If you cover one buff pilot then you are of no help to the others. If trying to stay between the spread out buffs then you're always going to be a second to late to stop the bandits before they reach the buffs.
Also on the egress once all hell has broken lose, and the buffs are flying back home divided... buffs please give constant location reports so that our fighters can find and escort you. Especially if you are one of the tail end charlies due to a dead engine etc. The 4th FG was pretty much about to land at end of frame, as the buffs we followed were safe, unaware that there were still 2-3 buff pilots enduring attacks in enemy territory. We want to escort until end of frame, just need to be vectored to you big buffers
