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Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 12:28 am |
Joined: Sun Nov 24, 2013 9:36 pm Posts: 602 Location: Buffalo, NY
FRAME 5 March 1945 Mission : Strike Berlin!
• B-17s and B-24s are directed to hit AVIONICS AND BALLBEARING FACTORIES in Berlin.
Bomber Airbases: F 19, 26, 27 with 20k airstart (no fighter aircraft available at these fields) Fighter Airbases: F 23, 24, 25
Additional Fighter Airbases: 10,11,12,15,16,17,18,20,26,27 for emergency damage, repair and refuel.
The Germans will be desperate. Intel reports Me 262 Jet Fighters and 163 Komet Rocket aircraft are based to defend Berlin.
Front Lines have moved East. The Germans are in retreat. It should give us a little bit of breathing room for out trip to Berlin... (DAR should be pushed back a bit)
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NOOKYB 4th FG 4th But First!
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Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 5:09 am |
Joined: Sat May 20, 2017 2:29 pm Posts: 104
We have our work cut out for us this time. Last week our solid plans were hampered but the Luftwaffe focus on our divide bombing units. It was a well thought out and executed plan but our expectations that this would split and weaken our opponent did not materialize.
It was suggested that by splitting our forces were became the weaker force. Therefore as CO of frame 4, I propose to give them just what they might expect. I would like suggestions for a plan that would allow us to strike in one unified force.
So you don't have to review the mission objectives here they are again:
FRAME 4 March 1945 Mission : Strike Berlin!
• B-17s and B-24s are directed to hit AVIONICS AND BALLBEARING FACTORIES in Berlin.
Bomber Airbases: F 19, 26, 27 with 20k airstart (no fighter aircraft available at these fields) Fighter Airbases: F 23, 24, 25
Additional Fighter Airbases: 10,11,12,15,16,17,18,20,26,27 for emergency damage, repair and refuel.
Please reply with your suggestions as to bomber and fighter launch locations, time table, fighter distributions and tactical ideas as well as anything you might think necessary to completing this mission.
The extensive planning last mission was not in vain as we have now seen they are being consistent with high level attack formations, use of spotters, and use of 190 for bomber assaults while holding 109s for fighter interdiction. I welcome your suggestions. I think the time for subterfuge is over. Since we will have another frame for Berlin, our plans this week can give us experience and information that can enhance our planning next mission.
I will monitor and reply as needed. Let's set Friday the 14th as a deadline for final discussions and input. I will post final orders for the mission on Saturday the 15th.
Thank you Gentleman,
Let's Kick Their Butts This Time!!
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Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 7:19 am |
Joined: Mon Jan 20, 2020 4:26 pm Posts: 73
Will fighters be allowed to intercede with 262's before they get airborne or at any appreciable attack altitude & speed? I'm guessing any jet or rocket powered aircraft in numbers and able to reach the bomber stream will decimate it as happened to BG2 last week. Are you limiting the number of jet & rocket powered planes? FG's will need to plan carefully any defence against these monsters.
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Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 4:20 pm |
Joined: Sat May 20, 2017 2:29 pm Posts: 104
That you Nooky for that clarification. That is very helpful as it frees up my staff to complete the mountain of paperwork concerning damage and causalty reports from the last two missions. Those paper pushers at SHAEF are relentless.
PMHB. in an earlier communique you mentioned the requirements for S3 planning service. I will respond to that later today <S>
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Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 5:07 pm |
Joined: Sat Nov 09, 2013 2:27 am Posts: 394
-- Most do not practice or know how to utilize a 262 let alone a 163. One must be 5 to 6 steps ahead of these aircraft. Firing solutions are very different and belts are short.
(Full Fighter Pilot Hat on) One MUST track and pursue these infernal BJs to the ground and destroy them utterly, ghost their bases and kill the pilots. Once they are sighted 2 fighters should latch on and stay on to infinity and destruction. When they pass the buff group all pilots buff and fighter should shoot to ping and then run them to max speed and cause failure into the earth.
ALL other fighters (not the two on each of the BJs) keep with buffs for the inevitable piston devils. Position of the buffs every 1 to 2 minutes is imperative at these speeds so little friends can get back in/to positions.
If I were enemy I would (under whatever restrictions given) Hit the buffs with all 262s ASAP (except 1) and move away from buffs trying to avoid losses of 262s. When the fighters do what they MUST by holding contact with BJs I am hoping that they have 3 or 4 on each thus removing escort. The probable 3 or 4 little friends left with the buffs will then get hit by the 1 (best) 262 pilot and scatter them. Then in 3 to 5 minutes ALL the piston fighters (probably 10 or so) come in and make a minimum 2 passes. Berlin will be obvious in no time, so the Jets will land and take off ASAP and do almost same thing again (unless they are mostly destroyed).
Therefore, a strict 2 on 1 chase till death is reccomended. If followed as exact as possible then 12 escorts are "stripped" and approx 12 are left (minimum). Initial attack by 262s will be most dangerous FOR THEM, so, highly reccomended to do HO attacks on them, .50s can hit at D10, 30mm difficult to hit at D2, so, firing at ICON SHOW (or a bit earlier) is good while slight stick back to avoid cannon shells. ANY damage to 262 usually will cause visual damage and make tracking easier.
If encounter 163 TRACK HARDER as most cannot extend flight time by fuel conservation. When you see them they ARE out of gas so follow and kill. VERY hard to see.
If all out aggression under control is NOT done then even the average pilot will get 4 to 7 passes on buffs with impunity. About 1/3 will die on first attempt and the rest will keep coming.
First thoughts
352nd Fighter Group C.O. (V) - "The Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney" 487th Fighter Squadron (V)-HO 486th Fighter Squadron (V)-PZ 328th Fighter Squadron (V)-PE We have the whips - KILL THEM ALL
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Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 5:20 pm |
Joined: Wed Nov 13, 2013 12:54 am Posts: 649
Am I reading the intel right...that there will be only 6 jet(262) airframes in the air at one time.?
How long can a 262 stay in flight with 100% fuel?
Last edited by split on Wed Feb 12, 2020 8:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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