Field 160 - (4 parked aircraft)ALL 4 are lined up North - South.... West side of Runway
AA (1)-88mm....(2)-40mm...(2)-20MM
Field 152 - (6 parked aircraft)5 are lined up North - South on the East side of runway
1 is on west side of runway mid field
AA (2)-88mm .... (2)-40mm
Field 165 - (3 parked aircraft)2 on West side of "fork" of runways
1 on South side of "fork" of runways
AA (1)-40mm ... (2)-20mm
Field 163 - (3 parked aircraft)2 on South side of grass square
1 on West side of grass square
AA (3)-20mm

apologies for crudeness of freehand markups
--edited to add photos