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PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2019 4:22 pm 
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Joined: Sat Nov 09, 2013 1:47 pm
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Von Sleepy is the puppet master for this series. He is away until Sunday, so I have been authorized to amplify the rules

Victory conditions for this series are binary. If the axis “captures and mans” (read as captures and keeps open) five or more numbered UK fields in a continuous front at the end of Frame 5 they win. Any other condition, the Allies win.
The Ventnor Radar station (F64) on the Isle of Wight does not count towards the five captured fields

Axis invasion forces will remain (safely) in port until the Axis Frame CO declares that Sea Lion will occur. This declaration must occur at least 24 hrs prior to frame start (i.e. before 2029hrs EDT Saturday night) on the S3 General Forum or on the ALL COs mailing list – I’d strongly recommend emailing Sleepy directly as well!

Field Closure
To verify field objects required for closure, use the .show command in the tower view. This list is subject to modification by sleepy, but at the moment includes the following objects:
20mm, 40mm, Hanger, RadarEm, FactMod, LivMod, FuelD, RadarStn, WareHs, AmmoD, Hut, House, Factory, FactAvi, FactBall, FactBall2, Warehouse2, RefinBuild, refinTank, Power1, Power2, Power3, Gas1, Barracks01.

Any field closed in frame 1 stays closed for frame 2. If Sea Lion is not declared for frame 2, those fields will reopen for frame 3 UNLESS the Germans strike the closed field during frame 2. A “strike” must consist of an attack of four level bombers (min 1 player and 3 AI) dropping their entire bomb load within the confines of the field (i.e. drop really close to the numbered field centre). This strike must be observed by JABO to count (so make sure JABO knows you are about to attack and is looking!). This strike is considered to disrupt RAF repair parties and keep the field closed for the next frame. A “strike” could consist of four separate attacks by solo bombers spread out over the frame, but they all must be observed by JABO to count.
After Sea Lion is declared, any closed field will remain closed between frames [TBC by sleepy]

Field Capture

Axis may not capture a field prior to the declaration of the Sea Lion invasion, otherwise standard field capture rules are in place. Fields must first be closed then occupied by the required number of “drunks”. “Drunks” may be delivered by AI Ju52 routine, player jump aircraft or GVs. Fields will switch ownership immediately upon capture, but will only be able to launch aircraft/GVs if an unimpeded line can be traced from the captured field to the invasion beachhead(s)
[to be confirmed by Sleepy).
NB: Fields may be closed/captured multiple times within a frame

Sqn Ldr
past-CO 417 Sqn RCAF
"Supporting Liberty and Justice"
Muzz's Maps

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2019 4:25 pm 
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Joined: Sat Nov 09, 2013 1:47 pm
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Location: Ottawa
Radar Range:
Subject to change – 30 miles for both sides.
Some European fields have radar emitters (see planning map)
RAF Observer Corps (JABO DAR) reports of LW aircraft should be expected over the UK

Naval Forces:

For inexplicable reasons, the usually highly efficient Organization Todt has failed to establish coastal artillery positions along the Channel coast. As a result, the RN has been able to maintain several active patrols by the 19th DD Flotilla off of Dover (within the blue tinted area on planning map). Unless sunk, these destroyers will be able to counter an Axis invasion fleet(s) anywhere along the south coast of England. The more DDs put out of action, the fewer there will be available to counter the invasion.

No Kreigsmarine units will be in play until Sea Lion is declared. After declaring Sea Lion will occur in the next frame, the Axis CO must immediately advise sleepy/JABO where the invasion fleet(s) will sail from (any Port location on the European coast) and where to (anywhere along the English coast marked in orange). Sleepy/JABO must have lots of advance notice (23-24 hours) to create the necessary AI routines. The invasion fleet will consist of multiple cargo ship convoys escorted by DDs. The fleet may be split up (at the Axis CO discretion in advance of the frame) to attempt landings at multiply locations.
Successful arrival of a cargo ship/convoy at the English coast will result in the creation of a GV routine. Exactly how that GV routine will behave will be up to sleepy, but expect it will move to attack the nearest open field or move to deploy drunks at a nearby closed field.
Sinking of Cargo ships by RN AI destroyers or by air attack before they reach English shores will reduce the number of AI GV routines deployed.

Sqn Ldr
past-CO 417 Sqn RCAF
"Supporting Liberty and Justice"
Muzz's Maps

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2019 4:26 pm 
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Joined: Sat Nov 09, 2013 1:47 pm
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Lives (subject to confirmation by sleepy):
Each player will have three lives. Std rules: KIA or captured = loss of life
Players may fly/drive up to three different vehicle types. If a vehicle is lost (KIA, bail, captured, disco with damage, any ditch at sea) a player may not use that vehicle type again that frame.
After losing all their lives a player fly as an observer for another player or on an AI ship
Flying as a gunner is not permitted
Acting as a gunner at a field or on a ship, or taking control of an AI ship are not permitted.

Above rules on lives makes teleporting complicated. In general teleporting between fields is not permitted. Exceptions:
- After losing a life players may teleport to any friendly location
- After a DISCO NO DAMAGE JABO may approve launching from the friendly field closest to your last pre-disco location, otherwise you use the last field you launched from
- Players switching from a GV to an aircraft or aircraft to a GV may teleport. This exception is not to be abused. Teleporting to a GV at a new location and then immediately exiting to fly at the new location is not permitted
[TBC by Sleepy] Teleporting to fly a JU-52/C-47 for field capture is not permitted

Violations of the rules will result in flying a penalty aircraft/GV, possibly on a special, unpleasant mission on your next frame. Gross violations could result in immediate ejection from the arena (e.g. taking control of or gunning from a ship)

Plane Sets:

Hurricane I
Sea Hurricane Ib
Spitfire I
Spitfire I *87 oct
Swordfish Mk.II
Wellington 1C
Douglas C-47 Dakota (not at all fields)
-Opel Truck

Bf 109E-1
Bf 109E-3
Bf 109E-4
Bf 110C-4
Dornier 17Z
Ju 87D Stuka
Ju 52 (at limited fields along coast)
-Opel Truck
-PzKpfw IVAusf D

Questions, concerns, unexpected loopholes in the rules, let us know.

I intend to generate an inflight map before each frame

Edited spelling error and confirmation that PzKpfw IVD will be available to the Axis.

Sqn Ldr
past-CO 417 Sqn RCAF
"Supporting Liberty and Justice"
Muzz's Maps

Last edited by Muzz on Sat Sep 21, 2019 5:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2019 8:37 pm 
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Joined: Fri Nov 08, 2013 9:34 pm
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Forum Passwords to be sent by email???

CO Beaver
RCAF 417 (II/Wing 127)
City of Windsor

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2019 5:33 pm 
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Joined: Tue Apr 01, 2014 1:09 pm
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Muzz wrote:
Naval Forces:

For inexplicable reasons, the usually highly efficient Organization Todt has failed to establish coastal artillery positions along the Channel coast. As a result, the RN has been able to maintain several active patrols by the 19th DD Flotilla off of Dover (within the blue tinted area on planning map). Unless sunk, these destroyers will be able to counter an Axis invasion fleet(s) anywhere along the south coast of England. The more DDs put out of action, the fewer there will be available to counter the invasion.

Question, how deadly will the DD otto be? Destroyers tend to be nasty.

Newest member of the 4th

No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.
George S. Patton

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2019 5:46 pm 
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Joined: Sat Nov 09, 2013 1:47 pm
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That will be up to Sleepy, but I think uncoordinated one or two aircraft attacks should be suicidal.

Sqn Ldr
past-CO 417 Sqn RCAF
"Supporting Liberty and Justice"
Muzz's Maps

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