Just some thoughts, maybe not worth much considering how last frame went for me
Hopefully their radar is *really* 20 miles this frame. It has been set to 60 the first 3 frames, obviously by mistake.
If it is 20 miles, they will only see us rolling at F20, F94 and F80.
The won't see our airstart fighters/bombers until they are 1 sector away from their closest airfield, F81.
It appears that if we could take out F81 radar and possibly F82 they would be blinded fairly good up North for finishing them off.
IF you want to attack down south, F86 radar would be a good target immediately, then finish it off.
This would blind them out to 2 airfields and 3 other targets that would allow us an advantage.
F83 is an obvious target for them and it has radar they could use next frame.
If they continue on a hard offensive this frame maybe attacks from us would mess up their plans, dunno.