I'm sure most of you have noticed that TeamSpeak permissions have been changed. Server Admin has been limited to a select few approved by Ient Admin. I have been working on the Channel Officer settings to improve it as much as is possible. Here is what we have.
If you are a Channel Officer, you can drag and drop users within your Channel tree, but you cannot drag and drop from other channels. That is a Server Admin feature that is not inheritable. You can assign Channel Officer permissions to users within your channel. You can update rank icons for users within your channel. You can create semi-permanent sub-channels within your channel. These sub-channels disappear when the last user leaves it. You can kick users from your channel tree. You cannot ban anybody. If you do not want someone entering your channel, use a password.
To add a Channel Officer to your channel, right click the user, select "Set Channel Group" and select "Squadron Channel Officer". To change/add ranks to users, right click the user, select "Set Server Group" and select the desired rank. Currently, only USAAF ranks are listed. To create a sub-channel right click the channel where you want the sub-channel to appear, name it, select ok. Your questions are welcome. <S>
Lt Col Kelly "Screaming Alpha" Virtual 4th Fighter Group
Last edited by Kelly on Thu Jan 09, 2014 3:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.