http://www.squadselectseries.comAllies pulled off a successful feint in Frame 1. Early in the frame several fighter groups appeared on German radar near the frontier sending Luftwaffe fighters scrambling high for the expected inbound bomber group. They continued to hold even after the Allied fighters retreated and waited and waited until fuel was getting low. Fortunately for the Me262 strike pilots all the allied fighters were out on the Western Front allowing them free reign to close M23 and shoot down three nearby C47 transports. Unfortunately for the German fighter pilots as they were on final to land the Allied BG finally showed up near Aachen. Quick to respond the quickly re-planed and climbed like homesick angels to get into position. Numerous and effective escort made getting at the bombers very difficult and during the long fight in and out and only two could be brought down. German fighter losses were heavy, 22 lost to fighters and 4 to bombers. Only 3 Allied escorts were claimed by German fighters.
Mid-Frame six German jets returned near 34 to hit the airfield and bridges but were bounced by high P47s losing one of their number and shooting down a P47. No damage was reported to ground targets.
USAAF bombers flew a tight and effective defensive box and took out two Me262 airfields(88, 75) and a forward LAF(71). Forward Allied fighter sweeps encountered several Ju52s in flight deep in Germany and shot down 7. Mossie intruders flew a long flight into Northern Germany and Denmark and managed to find and sink 4 freighters during the night. On a long dangerous NOE return across Germany they saved the day by hitting the last remaining building at 71 to close it near the end of the night.
Allies pull of a strong lead to start the series 124 to 40.
Penalty Planes for Frame 2.
S3 Litany - 1 life, 1 a/c type and no teleporting
Its repeated at least twice before a frame begins and should not be ignored.
The use of 262s is always controversial, its either have a small few with no restrictions or a larger number with. This series we are trying to have a larger group for use as only strike a/c. Posted in a very short rules document that all must read.
skinez - Engaged and shotdown a P47 during play.
stoneg – Landed at F44 in a 262, then launched 70 in 109K4R6. Died in a crash soon after. Might have been trying to fix it.
sokar- – Rolled 262 from 70 & landed at 44. Flew 109K4 from 44 back to 70, where he again rolled in a 262.
gusinn – Rolled 70 in a 262 and dropped bombs on the sortie. Landed at 44 in the 262 then rolled from 44 in a Dora where he killed a C-47 on the sortie. Landed back at 70 where he again sortied in a 262.
Waggaa – 262 from F7- to F44. Flew 109G6 from 44 back to 70 where he again rolled in a 262.
Guttdu – Rolled in a B24J discoed then flew a Lanc III for the rest of the frame.
These players will have to fly a dangerous supply mission in Frame 2, if they survive they may switch to their regular rides. All infractions are generally just pulled from the logs so correct us if the context is wrong or the CM gave you special permission. Its best to always ask before you do something you are not sure of.
1. The 3 German and 1 Allied airfields are closed for play for the series and will be destroyed before the frame begins. Not all airfields can be destroyed before play due to the attached targets(ie some of the TAC fields have bridges attached to them).
2. I forgot to ask IEN to synch the General with the new terrains so the AI were acting totally weird all night. Defensive AI flak was not firing properly and some a/c and ship routines were not loading or floating in the air. Fixed for Frame 2, so expect to see more targets and better flak.
3. ETO LAF flak is always suspect, nobody seems to know why. Its good right over the field but for some reason the 88mm and 40mm is lacking. So dont count on this as much help if down low and fighting. If you are strafing parked aircraft at these fields becareful the MGs down low are deadly.
4. Remember each pilot must fly at least two a/c types during the series. Each has to be in different frames or you will get a penalty plane