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 Post subject: Re: New Forum
PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 2:09 pm 
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Joined: Wed Nov 13, 2013 12:38 am
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Location: テキサス - Lae, 1942
Thor - I think your signature line is childish and petty and serves no one other than you. You leaving it up for your own vendetta is a poke into our collective eyes for being members of the Warbirds community.

I mentioned it in email and you blew me off with the 'I didnt write it' bullshit. You did write it - it is your signature, exactly the same as you would write on a piece of paper. AGW is the better location to have a sig line like that, not this place.

As for this new forum, I think it is a good chance to begin anew and as Poomba said, "leave your behind in the past." For whatever reason, you cannot grasp that even your friends are tired of your shit. Let it go or let us go.

~Sakai - 坂井
Tainan Kokutai - 台南

Akatombo | White 576 | Curtiss AVG

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 Post subject: Re: New Forum
PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 2:35 pm 
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Joined: Tue Nov 12, 2013 5:04 pm
Posts: 48
I agree it is petty and childish, however I did not write it.

so to be clear you are asking me to ignore the petty and childish people at IEN, put up with their continuing bullshit, and to continue to support the game and the s3 "community" for the sake of your peace of mind? while you are making no such demands on the petty childish people at IEN who use the s3 boards? asking me to give up my little bit of angst therapy so we can pretend all is well here?

oh wait let me think, we have been here before so it is more like you are again asking me to ignore the petty and childish people at IEN, put up with their continuing bullshit, and to continue to support the game and the s3 "community" for the sake of your peace of mind? while you are making no such demands on the petty childish people at IEN who use the s3 boards? asking me to give up my little bit of angst therapy so we can pretend all is well here?

is that pretty much it?

anything else?


P.S. ask yourself if they would do the same over on the IEN boards ...

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 Post subject: Re: New Forum
PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 2:56 pm 
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Joined: Wed Nov 13, 2013 2:04 am
Posts: 220
Again IENT boards BS is IENT boards BS whatever it may be, this is S3 boards not ran by IENT. The only thing IENT has over here is the actual flight sim we use to participate during the S3. I hope others will follow suit and not drag MA/IENT BS here also. If it was me I would want somebody to give me a check call on my actions.

Again Thor nothing against you and your views just making this a Neutral Zone


Tainan Kokutai

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 Post subject: Re: New Forum
PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 3:07 pm 
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Joined: Wed Nov 13, 2013 12:38 am
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Location: テキサス - Lae, 1942
No - I expect they would not.

I also think that the onerous is on you to get posting privileges back. Further, I think your method of inflammatory responses are exactly what brought you to this point. Regardless of who's right or wrong. I've said this to you years ago on Jg51 board, iEN boards, the phone and email.

You have done a lot to bring competitive changes to the Axis side. Tireless research and bulldog relentlessness has finally paid off. I think you will see that tempering down the rhetoric and keeping iEN issues away from the S3 boards would lead towards re-instatement of privs on that board.

I did notice when I read your last response that the sig line was changed. Thank you.

~Sakai - 坂井
Tainan Kokutai - 台南

Akatombo | White 576 | Curtiss AVG

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 Post subject: Re: New Forum
PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 3:31 pm 
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you guys should keep in mind who in this conflict is the comparative neophyte in services to the community,
and which one of us complies to your requests for peace.

I will be expecting some serious bitch~slapping from you guys for anyone who brings outside crap onto these boards.

John, it is the conclusions of jg27s research that resulted in my being removed, not my approach after my near decades long patience had run out.
the process had started before the new team was in place and any board discussions had started. were that not the case then the low deflection
speeds would have been introduced set wide long long ago.



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 Post subject: Re: New Forum
PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 4:56 pm 
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Location: テキサス - Lae, 1942
It is my opinion that it was not the facts that got you banned.

~Sakai - 坂井
Tainan Kokutai - 台南

Akatombo | White 576 | Curtiss AVG

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 Post subject: Re: New Forum
PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 5:09 pm 
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Joined: Wed Nov 13, 2013 4:45 am
Posts: 210
Lol, two pages of pointlessness already.

be excellent to eachother
and party on dudes (bill & ted)

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 Post subject: Re: New Forum
PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 5:26 pm 
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Joined: Tue Nov 12, 2013 5:04 pm
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Sakai wrote:
It is my opinion that it was not the facts that got you banned.

don't remember you being there john.

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 Post subject: Re: New Forum
PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 5:29 pm 
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Joined: Wed Nov 13, 2013 3:35 pm
Posts: 46
it is the conclusions of jg27s research that resulted in my being removed

Negative. The data you have has always been welcomed and requested. There are many posts actually asking you to provide it to help expedite the efforts to make the correct and historically acurate changes. Your account was SUSPENDED, and remains so, because of your continuous negativity towards those who were actually trying to make changes to WB including your issue. Those who were volunteering their time and efforts to make much needed changes in many areas of WB. Not just your issue. You were warned more than once to knock off the bashing of the Development Team and their efforts but you again posted with a negative response. Therefore your account was SUSPENDED and will remain SUSPENDED until such a time YOU see fit to knock off the negativity. Every response and your now changed signature line serve to support the decision to remain in a SUSPENDED status. Not BANNED or DELETED. All of your posts are still there. I have explained this to you in several post but you still CHOOSE to insert whatever reasoning you feel will support your negativity.

the process had started before the new team was in place

This is the key point in this whole issue. You brought your anger from the past efforts that earned no conclusive changes. You failed to give the new team your best efforts to assist. You started this whole situation with insults and belittlement. You told me, CO-Leader of the team, that I should remain out of it as I was nothing more than a "relative Johnny come lately" and dismissed any efforts I made to address your issue.

Even after efforts to first pry the information out of you and your reluctance to provide that information we still pushed the team to make certain changes that are IN THE GAME now. Yet here we are again with your posting negatively against those who have the key to your re-instatement.

I have explained this for the last time and I will not post on the subject again. This post is only to remind you and everyone else what the reasons for your SUSPENSION actually were. These are the reasons, the decision was mine to make so I know exactly why I chose to take the actions that I took. My decision was supported by the needed IENT personnel and the decision to re-instate the account is mine to make.



P.S. If you wish to discuss this with me on a 1v1 basis please email me at yblast20@yahoo.com

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 Post subject: Re: New Forum
PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 5:54 pm 
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Joined: Wed Nov 13, 2013 2:04 am
Posts: 220
This is exactly what I was talking about PLEASE LEAVE IENT BOARD BS THERE!!

@ Chunky with respect I am sure no one here really cares why he got suspended. Carry this on 1v1 on TS or emails or phone. Again do not instigate or carry IENT boards BS here please.

Tainan Kokutai

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