<S> Allies!
It was nothing but a joy to cooperate with you all last night. It was pure teamwork
The RCAF/AE/8th did a good job of working together and took out both the radar at 66, bridges etc. Sorry that you were put away from the action most of the frame as the Jerries decided to focus all their forces in the north. I hope you got some nice action in the end though and great initiatives intercepting bombers on our ships and defending 44 from the last minute attackers.
I thought we'd be doing good if we could close T38 and bring some ground vehicles down, but the KoN/69th and 352nd closed three times as many fields and the buffer was filled with destroyed m16's throughout the night. This should net us quite a bunch of momentum in the score. The call by Hawk to close F58 was a smart one and put a thorn in the enemies plans.
Having the 4th FG as a flexible support-hammer was a tactic that seemed to work well. The 4th was often able to be at the right place at the right time on this map to help tip the balance. Bombr-'s intuition to have us guard L44 on our second sortie, in case of an enemy repeat attack, had us just reach the field and move some 5-10 miles east of L44 when we spotted the whole Axis armada moving in to close the field with their Jerries as a front sweep. Thanks all FG's for being flexible and getting to L44 just in time to save it and kick the enemy out of our territory.
The 352nd FG was all over the map and kicking buttocks all night long, ranging from GV's to buffs to Jerries and even taking it to them with support of our Spitfires and Hurricanes at L56 at the end of frame. Thanks Dewolf, Hawk, Rcflys, Swede-, Beaver, Swanee, Muzz, Ozzone, Bombr- etc for great communication, flexibility and own initiative throughout the night. I believe we gained a sound lead in this series with this frame
XO 4th FG