I use the pinky-finger button on my CH stick as the UP modifier. It's easily pressed and easy to keep pressed, in fact too easy as there's no where else that's comfortable to put ones pinky finger than on that button; so having it set on something innocuous and whose effects are reversible if accidentally pressed makes sense to me. It's interesting how different pilots have their controls configured differently. I visited wilz this past summer and sat next to him as he flew an S3, and aside from the large ethanolic beverage within handy reach, his set-up was quite different than mine and had some things that would've driven me batty, but it worked fine for him.
Todzilla wrote:
Robert wrote:
P.S. Why are you constantly changing key set sir?
Pretty sure he does the same thing that I do. I have two identical stick sets on my system, with the only exception being that stick set two has an UP modifier so that under stick set 1 I look direct left with the hat switch, and look left and UP with stick set 2. Same with all the views, if I have stick set 1 I'm looking direct out, and stick set 2 up 45 degrees.
I could also have a single stick set and a single key that adds the "Up 45" modifier, but I have to leave that key pressed if I want to leave it on. With two stick sets I can have that finger (thumb actually) doing something else while I'm still modified in an UP 45 view.
I really wish there was a way that we could disable the stick set messages.