An Area of Operations has been selected to attempt to maximize our effectiveness both "coming and going" to available targets. Primary Axis Target for Sortie # 1 is airfield F-86. Closing this field will give us the ability to attack nearby targets to increase our score, and to deny the enemy the ability to use a field close to our targets. Be aware that this field has potential to be active with both Allied fighter and strike aircraft. It will be the task of our fighter escorts to make certain that these aircraft cannot threaten the buffs and strikers on their approach to F-86.
Buff Groups, we will need an ETA at 10-12 thousand feet at F-82 so that we can set-up a Rally Point there. Please target the AAA at F-86 as part of your bombing plan. This will assist our bomb-carrying strike aircraft to have access to the airspace at lower altitudes to make their strikes a bit more effective.
The "plan" is to close F-86 at our earliest opportunity, and then to attack targets of choice inside the green circle. Note that F-83, and F-84 have associated bridge structures that would also have to be targeted. The smaller villages may be simpler to take down. Buffers/Strikers choice on additional targets AFTER we are successful with F-86. Please note that secondary targets are closer to our bases than is the Primary. Attack these bases in a direction that will take you home following your attacks.
F-79 can be considered an "emergency" base for damaged or low fuel airplanes. As we "come and go" from our bases, be aware that the enemy's track to their targets is along your route of flight. Unless they chose to attack targets in our SW. If that occurs, we will assign aircraft to attempt to interdict their efforts there while our Heavy, Strike aircraft continue with their efforts in the target area.
All Squads have the same aircraft choices they had in Frame1. Please select the aircraft that will do the requested task.
BasesHeavy, StrikeF-34: Knights, Nomads, UMM
Fighter/StrikeF-78: LF-6. While your primary duty will be fighter protection of our buff/strikers, it would be handy if about 1/2 of your flight could carry bombs "just in case" on Sortie #1. If you are still carrying your bombs and F-86 closes, you can start work on a secondary target on your back to rearm and refuel.
StrikeF-110: Night Stalkers. Please bring a load out of bombs to assist in closing F-86. The "heavies" should take out the AAA to make it possible for you to make drops at lower altitudes, if necessary, to complete the closure of F-86. Should the buffs be successful, please keep your ord to assist with secondary target(s) on your way out.
FightersF-36: 352nd FG, 4th FG. 352nd please provide a sweep of the F-86. Establish a CAP over F-86 prior to the arrival of the Buff/Strike Force. 4th FG please establish "close escort" around the ingressing buffs and take them home. Should you have remaining ammo on egress, and IF the buffs are not threatened, shoot-up what you can on the way home.
On ingress to F-86, all groups are encouraged to look down every once in a while, as the enemy's path to target is very similar to your ingress route. Report bandits and help will be dispatched.
I'll see everyone on the ramp.
MapSecondary Target ChoicesThis one is a bear. Guns and structures on multiple levels. Difficult and dangerous.On this one, just be aware that the "No Fly Zone" is VERY close in the middle of the lake.Buffers/Strikers please look at F-85 and F-84 with F-83 as a last choice. Again, please select targets that we can take on and complete in our secondary missions.