jabo wrote:
S3 Season 17 - 2015 to 2016
Another great development in WarBirds is the ability for bomber and strike pilots to command their drones after losing their lead aircraft. This allows S3s to compensate for the lower number of bombers\strike pilots we are seeing and make the drones much more effective in conducting ground attacks.
This is a brilliant us of the AI wingmen!
Couple of questions:
1. Will they be stuck in welded wing?
In other words, if the bomber pilot decides to send his AI wingman back to finish a target and tun dies in his own aircraft won't it b disorienting to b in a plane that may be going 180° in the opposite direction he was going before he died?
2. How will you score and track the multiple deaths of a single pilot that transferred from a destroyed bomber to an AI wingman?
3. Has the "goofy" behavior of the AI finally been ironed out? Last I heard, 4-engine buff AIs were div bombing targets she ordered to "strike".
4. Will fighter pilots get full credit for killing an AI wingman?
Even with issues, this is still the best thing for buff pilots!