Fellow Axis Dudes:
It is always the most interesting when the logs unload and Phenix is able to post his S6 for the Frame... Nonetheless it seemed like fighter guys got to be fighter guys. The Knights on strike in the SE kept filling the buffer with destroyed targets, and then destroyed targets, and then destroyed targets. It would be my preliminary evaluation that our fighters gave at least as good as they got. The bad guys did get some shipping points, and a few villes along the way during the Frame. I still suspect that our strikers were a push or better with the bad guy strike force.
All that said...It was interesting to observe particularly the two buff incursions during the Frame. Due to excellent communications, even down to the wing pairs in a couple of cases, we were able to identify individual elements and attempt to vector them to an interesting situation. And in most all of the cases, IT WORKED. Our larger and wing elements would vector to assist each other. TNX to the variouis elements of LF6 and to the 352nd guys. In a game, nobody could ask for any more than that!
It was a pleasure throughout the Series to observe how the Axis Dudes go about Frame planning. Everybody provides input about "critical" stuff as the week progresses. I've always thought that in the end that type of approach was valuable.
With all the hard work put in by the prior COs this Series, it is comforting to suspect that that the "Axis Side" retained what was characterized as an "Insurmountable Lead".
It was fun to grab the last Frame of the Season. Enjoy your summer hiatus, and we'll all meet here again sometime after Labor Day.