Note that they can see our airfields, but not just to the East of the Front where the high value targets live. First blush impression is that they will be reluctant to go where they can't see. Flight leads are encouraged to note that our view to the South is far better than our view to the West.
Should we get to a point similar to Frame 4 where we have our fighters playing a "let's see if we can possibly get to 40,000' and WAIT", it is suggested that those fighters linger between the seven and nine vertical lines. Unless they have eyes on, they will believe that we are not there waiting for the intercept.
All aircraft should also keep in mind that there are few alternate fields from which to operate if damaged more than a couple of squares from your original home base.
What would you think about 190, 191, 193 to our South? Protected by a West sagging LF6 as no airplanes can get to you early on at all. This while the 352nd goes to the West and hangs out over our Western Front? Preliminary thoughts, real orders on Saturday.