MAJOR CHANGE OF PLANS: SEE BELOWWhat do you think about this, fellas?If you were the enemy, wouldn't you be expecting us to change things up in frame 3? What have we "always" done in the last few years? They probably think we'll be "jumping to the north" to fool them in frame 3. So, we give them every indication that that is exactly what we are about to do. However, the bomber strike replays frames 1-2 coming in from behind the front line.
Night Stalkers: (1 full step of a/c needed)
Destroy all 6 radarEms from Amstedam to Leeuwarden. This will signal to the enemy that we'll be bringing the bomber group in from the North and draw their attention there. The strike team will then pull back to a rallying point and prepare to resume attacking remaining shipping targets. It will not be necessary to destroy all of them. As long as they think we are coming in from North, it will be mission accomplished.
DEW, could you have the radars down by T+30? Would that give you all time to get back to base and rearm for attacking ships or other targets? The radar at Rotterdam, of all the radars, it is the most vital. I’ll need you to be prepared to finish off L69, if the bomber group makes it there.
Note: Before, anyone says we don't need to waste time on knocking out Radar, remember it will be a matter of deception. Keep reading please.
Ground Assets Defense: 23rd FG (2 steps) and 4th FG (3 steps)
During the entire frame, these fighter squads patrol our targets to prevent the enemy from getting to our bridges, fields, and C47s. These 6 steps of fighters continue to patrol the area to kill as many Ju88s and 190s as they send into us. There will be a lot of ground to cover, but let’s make sure we spread our forces out and not bunch ourselves up in any one area.
Bomber SupportOnce the bomber groups are ready to head to targets, the 352nd (4-steps) will land, rearm, refuel and head to the RP.
Plan A: Bombers hit L56, L55, L69 The bomber group ingresses a third time from behind the lines at 27K. Then, the group heads to L56 and L55. If things look good, we continue up to L69. This will be our “Plan A”. We drop remaining ords on it and if anything is left standing, the Night Stalkers, who will be conducting operations in the North Sea shipping area, can be called upon to finish it off.
Plan B: Bombers hit L56, L55, and target of opportunity L53 (or just land at L19)
If things look too hot up North, we’ll turn the bombers around and bring them home in the South.
Net EffectThe initial activity in the north will have caused the enemy to fortify that area before the bombers start to ingress from the South, causing them to waste time and fuel. The fighters protecting the ground assets will deny the enemy points and pick up points for killing them.
Basing:352nd - L27 (For the first 30 minutes, you could assist covering our ground assets. You need to meet bomber group at T+40 at RP.)
NS - M107
4th - L26
23rd - M24
Note: It would be better if we use L26 and the forward TAC fields for basing (L26, T35, T36, T42, T43, and T51). It will put us immediately over the targets we must protect. Please cover our shipping, too.Bombers: Nomads / Raiders: Field LAF 1
Aircraft / Loadout Summary:Plane: B24J
Fuel: 35%
Bombs: 1600lbs x 8
CS: 140
Proposed Time-hack:T+0 : Take-off and form up
T+23 : WP1 (near SAF20) 21K feet; A/S:158 mph
T+30 : WP2 (over LAF19; Alpha group continues to L56; Bravo group heads to L53)
T+35 : Go level at 25K and cut throttle to 95%
T+40 : RP (between C28 and L26)
T+46 : (West of TAC34, engage CS:140 and climb to 27K at TOT)
T+53 : (NW of TAC45; engage 100% eng. continue climbing to 27K at TOT)
T+58 : IP at the 5,6 cross (West of L56; turn to 82-degrees into L56)
T+68 : TOT L56 (cut throttle to 70% before dropping; then turn to 180-degrees; throttle 95%; CS:140)
T+72 : IP (Turn to 270-degrees to line up on L55 from East)
T+74 : TOT L55 (cut throttle to 70% before dropping; then turn to 360-degrees to L69; throttle 75%)
NOTE: I am having to run time hack up to L69. Therefore, the last part of the time-hack below, would apply for Plan B.Time-hack continues for Plan B:T+74 : TOT L55 (cut throttle to 70% before dropping; then turn to 180-degrees; throttle 75%)
T+82 : (East of C59, throttle up to 100%)
T+87 : IP (Turn to 270-degrees to line up on L53 from East)
T+89 : TOT L53 (cut throttle to 70% before dropping; then check VOR to 19 for heading; throttle 75%)
T+115 : Wheels down at L19 (if airspace is clear)