S3 #49 - Duel Over Kent - Britain July-August 1940

Game Settings

  • RAF Players(purp) - 68 est
  • Luftwaffe Players(gold) - 98 est
  • Icons – d24 friendly, d12 range, d2 enemy name
  • Winds – none
  • Clouds - possible, update depending
  • Radar – RAF 45 miles, Luftwaffe 15 miles, no inflight arrow. Minimum alt is 1000 ft.
  • Flak - all Flak is limited to 38,000ft in height.
  • RAF Airfields(purp) - England
  • Luftwaffe Airfields(gold) - France and Belgium
  • Fuel Multipler - set at 1.0 for all planes.
  • Rebuild Time - 300 mins
  • Game Length – 180 mins
  • Lives – 1 life per frame
  • Game Scale - 1 squad = 1 historical unit and 1 frame = 1 week of operations.

Basic Rules

Initial Format - subject to change before the first frame.

Start Times - each frame uses the following schedule;

  • T+0 - Dawn - flight enabled for RAF CAPs and Luftwaffe.
  • T+30 - Full light
  • T+160 - Dusk, last surface attacks completed all a/c must disengage ASAP.
  • T+180 - Near dark, all squads must be in tower or on final.

Operational Restrictions - each side may only conduct operations in the area outlined in the game map.

Altitude Restrictions - Bombers and strikes are limited to a ceiling CAP of 22,000ft.

Airfield Basing Restrictions - before the series begins each side must break up their available a/c steps and base them at airfields on the map. Once these airfields are full any remaining steps are then put into a reserve pool for later frames. From that allocation the Frame CO may then assign squads to those fields. Each side may only field a specific number of steps at each airfield depending on that fields size. Larger squads may break up their steps and assign them to more than one airfield.

  • Small fields = 1 steps.
  • Medium fields = 2 steps.
  • Large fields = 3 steps.

Ord Restrictions - only those a/c indicated on the stepchart may carry ord.

Flight Restrictions - both the RAF and Luftwaffe have limits on the amount and location they may place aircraft. RAF squads are limited to when they can scramble and Luftwaffe squads are limited where they may conduct operations. RAF squads have a limited amount of initial CAP patrols and the Luftwaffe are limited to the amount of aircraft they may assign to raids.

Aircraft Steps - squads must outfit themselves from the available steps located in the stepchart. Multi-step squads will represent more than one historic fighter unit and may fly different a/c types. Losses to aircraft are calculated based upon all kills claimed against that type during a frame. Steps will be reduced for evey 6 a/c of that type lost with fractions carried over to the next frame. Attacks on airfields with steps allocated to them will cause losses in that a/c types depending on the losses to the AI aircraft situated there.

Bomber/Strike AI - all bombers and strike must use one AI a/c. The AI wingman must fly a realistic profile and cannot humpy back or be sent loose to act as a decoy.

AI targets - AI a/c will be present at some airfields depending on deployments. Shipping will be moving or in ports along indicated shipping lanes for both sides.

Missions - each side plans and conducts missions against each other as outlined below. The Frame CO decides on how and what to attack with his available forces. The three target classes are scored differently and are as follows;

  • Squad Survival Mission - each Luftwaffe squad or CG scores 1 mission point if they have more than 75% of their pilots survive alive. Each Allied squad or CG scores 2 mission points for the same 75% survival rate. Death is calculated from all causes both combat and accidental. The Luftwaffe can earn a total of 10 points and the Allies 14 points.
  • Raid Missions - the Luftwaffe plans several raids each frame on British targets and the RAF must intercept them and shoot down bombers or strike a/c that make up those raids. The Luftwaffe score points for the amount of damage each raid does to the British. The RAF score points for the number of bomber/strike a/c they shoot down.
  • Spec Op Missions - each side may conduct up to 3 special operation missions each frame from a list of targets and these score 1 point each.

AAR - After Action Reports are manditory in determining the success or failure of missions. Failure to post an AAR may result in raids being ruled a failure.

Hidden Rules - each side will have some basic hidden rules to simulate higher command decisions and directions. Spec Ops mission lists are provided for each side to pick from. If losses or results are not encouraging HQ may press for the introduction of better a/c or tactics in order to win back the initiative.

Victory Conditions - Victory conditions are cumulative and a winner is declared only after all the frames have been run. The total mission points for both sides are compared after 5 frames.

  • 0-5 point difference is a draw
  • 6-10 point difference is a minor victory for the side with the greatest number.
  • 11+ is a major victory for the side with the greatest number.

S3 Clarifications - the S3 staff reserves the right to make a ruling on questions or game situations not answered completely or missed by the rules. For further clarification please post on the S3 forum or email Jabo.

[ Aircraft - Series Map - Player Rules ]