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 Post subject: CTK Frame 3 Summary
PostPosted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 8:43 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Fri Nov 08, 2013 12:38 am
Posts: 1470

Major engagement at the outset in the northern sector with both sides concentrating almost their entire force in the area. Some Axis flew from the Kuban but most squads were based north and the fighting was very concentrated and heavy most of the night. Ju88s hit F4 and closed it while the Red Air Force concentrated its mediums on F16 severly damaging it but the airframe factory remained operational. An early strike by low P39s on F263 destroyed everything but one parked 109 which was later destroyed to close the field. The fast Pe2s hit F182 at the same time and closed it as Ju88s appeared above them. Escorting Yaks covered their withdrawl and took down 3 enemy bombers hitting F4. Enemy bombers were quiet for the rest of the night but the superior 109 cover in the area made attacks by the VVS on 295, 140, 148, 16 and 73 largely unsuccessful and costly. Pe2s switched to a target on the crimea coast closing 46 while heavy 109s attacked the ports at 54 and 52, closing 52. Two Russian tanks were also destroyed by German 109s late in the frame.
Bf109s again proved their worth getting credit for 27 fighters and 11 twin-engine a/c. Soviet fighters in return were credited with 10 fighters and 3 twin-engine bombers. VVS bombers claimed 2 attacking 109s as well.

The Axis continue to build on their lead in the series 238 to 138.

Naughty List
3 pilots in Frame 3 broke the basic rules. Please report any connection issues as these are just pulled from the log and have no context other than that.

Barvic - Flew after being captured.
goflyj and +bolok - Field warp from 104 to 190. Engaged targets from 104, landed at 104 again, took off from F190 and again engaged targets.

All pilots are from the VVS side and must fly a mission in C47s in Frame 4 before returning to their regular rides, only if they survive.

Terrain Issues
Please continue to report any comments/issues with the new terrain in the Terrain forum. This is only version 1.02 of the terrain and it will be updated again after this series for future use.

Good Luck in Frame 4

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 Post subject: Re: CTK Frame 3 Summary
PostPosted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 9:07 pm 
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Joined: Wed Nov 13, 2013 4:45 am
Posts: 210
Believe the airfield we were operating from got closed. (4 not 104)
Gums then asked Jabo for permission to relocate the Nomads to F190 instead.
So that's what was done.

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 Post subject: Re: CTK Frame 3 Summary
PostPosted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:47 pm 
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Joined: Sat Nov 09, 2013 3:00 pm
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Location: Florida

yeah, Bolls got it right.

Thot we were legal to move to F190, as F4 was closed. No problem. However, what do we do when a field closes and we are down and in the tower waiting for orders?

I am not sure what the penalty plane needs to do for "supply" or whatever.

Can they then teleport to main base from the "supply" mission or have to fly to main base?

Gums sends...

P.S. I am not alone in this opinion - we have too many restictions on fields that can be used or attacked by the buffs ( two motors vesus one). Ditto for targets. With the limited number of large and medium fields, this is a problem for Axis and the VVS, alike. Further, the medium fields seem to restrict the lites as well. Have to get our lawyers to explain it all, I guess.

"God in your guts, good men at your back, wings that stay on - and Tally Ho!"

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 Post subject: Re: CTK Frame 3 Summary
PostPosted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 9:38 pm 
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Joined: Wed Nov 13, 2013 4:45 am
Posts: 210
Not clear. Is there a penalty or not?
Just before F4 closed, our B25s were shipped by river barge down to F190 where we relocated
Good foresight on behalf of the base commander

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 Post subject: Re: CTK Frame 3 Summary
PostPosted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 10:18 pm 
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Joined: Sat Nov 09, 2013 7:15 am
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15. Penalty Planes - players that commit errors in basic rules and do not attempt to correct the error during play will have a penalty plane assigned to them. Examples include flying different a/c during a frame, teleporting fields when not allowed by special rules, gunning from ships or flak positions. It is up to each squad to make sure the penalty planes are flown. These transport planes need to complete one designated supply mission provided by the CM and the pilot can resume normal operations if they land their a/c successful at the end field.
•Axis Penalty Planes - Ju52
•Allied Penalty Plane - C47

S3 litany: no teleporting. IF you get caught on the ground when your field closes, you are DONE. There are several current and former military aviators here who have been based at one time or another in Florida. When the big wind is coming, they fly the airplanes out.

IF the aircraft were in flight at the time and moved to a field which did not become over-stepped, that is NOT a teleport. Land at field "X", then take off from field "Y", that's a "teleport".

Now, if you wanted my JAG Merit Badge interpretation of Rule 15, I'd say that you can TELEPORT to another field and grab your Squad's assigned ride if you can successfully complete the "resupply" mission assigned by the Janitors.

Happy trails...
XO 352nd Fighter Group (virtual)


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 10:31 pm 
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O.K. ol' Gums didn't understand the fine print, but I also have a question for the S3 JAG after my tirade!

I tried to get our remaining Nomads to land at F190, but they were already on the ground as F4 was pounded and then destroyed. I put out the request to Donkey-breath to relocate, despite that field being used by others.

Assuming we were O.K. and with buffer overflowing, our two remaining Nomads lurched. BFD.

O.K. question for the S3 JAG: So we fly a troop or supply mission to someplace. But it's not clear if the brave pilots can then teleport back to home field. I am confused ( no new news on that aspect of my growing dementia and whatever).

Anyway, Nomads are basically good guys and we'll do what we must do.

from Geriatric Park, Gums sends....

"God in your guts, good men at your back, wings that stay on - and Tally Ho!"

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 Post subject: Re: CTK Frame 3 Summary
PostPosted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 11:03 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Fri Nov 08, 2013 12:38 am
Posts: 1470
Sorry guys I may have misunderstood during the frame, I didnt know you were in the tower I thought you were in the air and needed a base to land at.
Since I told you to do that we cant really penalize you because I doubt you would have teleported without me giving you the go ahead.

There is a misconception about the basing restrictions, if you read the rules the intent is in there.

"There are no limits on how many of each type a squad may fly or in how many frames but it must be noted that airfields are designated either single-engine or twin-engine fields for basing and twin-engine types may only attack specific field locations. This should provide a variety of a/c in the series."

Obviously there is no variety in a/c types in this series, no stukas have been flown and a limited number of IL2s. Worth a shot but didnt work this series.

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 Post subject: Re: CTK Frame 3 Summary
PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 12:29 am 
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Joined: Mon Nov 11, 2013 3:44 am
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dewolf wrote:
15. Penalty Planes - players that commit errors in basic rules and do not attempt to correct the error during play will have a penalty plane assigned to them. Examples include flying different a/c during a frame, teleporting fields when not allowed by special rules, gunning from ships or flak positions. It is up to each squad to make sure the penalty planes are flown. These transport planes need to complete one designated supply mission provided by the CM and the pilot can resume normal operations if they land their a/c successful at the end field.
•Axis Penalty Planes - Ju52
•Allied Penalty Plane - C47

S3 litany: no teleporting. IF you get caught on the ground when your field closes, you are DONE. There are several current and former military aviators here who have been based at one time or another in Florida. When the big wind is coming, they fly the airplanes out.

IF the aircraft were in flight at the time and moved to a field which did not become over-stepped, that is NOT a teleport. Land at field "X", then take off from field "Y", that's a "teleport".

Now, if you wanted my JAG Merit Badge interpretation of Rule 15, I'd say that you can TELEPORT to another field and grab your Squad's assigned ride if you can successfully complete the "resupply" mission assigned by the Janitors.

I seldom chime in, but in this case I think I should. After reading rules again an Dewolf's post I have no problem in flying a penalty plane as that's what the rules say. If it was not authorized we shouldn't ask Jabo for relief. The catch 22 is if we thought field might be closed and landed at a different field we could still be penalized. Just hated we had to spend all that time loading our birds on that barge.
However, I must say,I already see too many request from players for resets, etc, that in my mind has to be some pilot failure vs system failure and is nothing but an abuse. Like if you push the stick down vs up an u crash, is that really a control problem? Ok, say somehow you reversed the controls, which can be done, is that a control problem?
As I told Gums, I'm like a timex, I'll take my lickin an keep on tickin!
Just my 2 ¢.


AG-8-Doolittle Raiders
Member, Nomads
WBs 2004

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 Post subject: Re: CTK Frame 3 Summary
PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 1:55 am 
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Joined: Sat Nov 09, 2013 7:15 am
Posts: 917
Gofly wrote:
The catch 22 is if we thought field might be closed and landed at a different field we could still be penalized.



Any Squad can relocate on any flight as long as the "new" field can support your operations and you subsequently operate from the field at which you elect to land. Here's a couple of WAG examples:
1) There is an "open" field from which no one operated and is an appropriate airfield for your aircraft type. Land there, operate for the rest of the Frame, or even relocate somewhere else that will support your operations and subsequently operate flights from the THIRD field.
2) The field closes while you are out on a mission. The ONLY field you have the fuel to reach will not support any more steps or even your type of aircraft. You can land there, but you can't take off. You are DONE. Same as landing at one of the previously-closed fields from a previous Frame.

Happy trails...
XO 352nd Fighter Group (virtual)


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PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 4:55 am 
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Joined: Sat Nov 09, 2013 3:00 pm
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Yeah, Wolfie.

I had discoed, and then had to reboot while the remaining Nomads were RTB.

Being soldiers, they landed at original base, but it was under attack and then closed. I wanted them to land at another "legal" field, but it was too late. So I advised Donkey-breath we were moving to another legal field and then the buffer got ripping and I didn't know if we were legal or not, so I asked the survivors to lurch and fly another mission You know, better to ask for forgiveness than for permission, heh heh. I would work it out later with the PTB.

I hope we can work out the ROE, and avoid this scenario. I really like the Blue Nose procedure of sending a jeep and driving to another field. Not sure this is permissible in this series, so we made up the story about using barges on the river. I do like the jeep thingie, so maybe we should have somethig like that in the ever-increasing and complicated rules.

Sorry to whine, but was a tough night, and I discoed twice with the frozen screen, etc.

from Geriatric Park, Gums sends....

"God in your guts, good men at your back, wings that stay on - and Tally Ho!"

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