Beaver wrote:
Okay, can I get a plan and DTF for the attacks on the Islands.
Then I can assign escort and possibly some additional jabo aircraft if needed. I think I need the 4th stationed on Malta for defense and the 475th there also to either cover bombing on the close island or to defend Malta.
The RCAF, 23rd and Haze/AE will be on escort duty, though I may need one of the squads to protect Tunis and area.
Working on it Sir! Remember we are only going to have 4-5 big bomber pilots. The air strips and ports may be closable but the larger fields like F157 may prove just too much to take on.
Any preferences on how long you want us to get to target and altitude preferences? Aircraft table mentions us having B24Ds available. I don't see why we should not use that all frames given that there are no per-frame restrictions on the aircraft types.
Let me know your thoughts