First off these are by no means orders or final in any way. I believe in being prepared best we can and am simply passing along thoughts that are being tossed around by the frame CO and hoping we are prepared to deal with a few different scenarios.
~S~ to MuskiZZ I know this is not an easy frame to plan with the enemy already knowing a bunch of our tactics from the first two frames.
I hope enough of you have been practicing the runs. Plans are not final yet. MuskieZZ assures me that he would like to make it possible for us to have a second sortie. In this case we would go after higher value targets in the heart of Truk islands. Watch this space for more info as the week unfolds.
We need to land successfully for this to happen (again this is mostly for my own sake!!) so please practice those landings, I have been doing so and its still 60-40 for me

For now It would help if you guys can also get familiar with F23 (very similar to F25).. It has 1 Radar EM (should go down w/ 1 500lb+wingman's bomb), two Barracks 3 bombs with your wingman should take this out. and finally 2 Ammo dumps. The ammo dumps are not next to each other but in a line about a mile away running SE/NW of the island 23 is on
You can practice turning into F23 after you pass F25 - (head 344 or so).
Again heads up for the second sortie *possible* could be F21 and F14. I will update the site with the intel on all targets and final route as soon as it is done. In the mean time please go ahead and practice with what is out there and study fields 23, 25, 14 and 21.
thanks and ~S~