~S~ =vslp= Thanks
=vslp= wrote:
ayup, we here.
I suppose the 23rd could lift 4, fly out southwest appearing on their radar, make like we going to south end of battle ( like last frame) turn straight south, drop off dar, then perhaps form with the Raiders for an approx. TOT of T+20-25.
Thanks. Why bother to enter their radar? Nomads and the others are going that way any case would only attract more attention to them. Instead climb out E and meet DR just S of F200 around T+15
=vslp= wrote:
Timing is everything, im a bit uneasy about a TOT difference to big, giving bad guys time to regroup and deal with us in detail.
gums if you guys are TOT of 12 and DR's are tot of 20 that's a very long 8 min of action before 2nd group gets in...it may or may not be...I certainly would not want it to be any more difference than 5 to 8 min max for this to work.
I agree. I tried a few different options and was able to make it to target T+18 - but at times it has also taken T+24 - Its strange. I test each time by logging in to the S3 then exiting and testing on free flight. Don't manually do much, let it climb out w/ Boost 2, switch to Boost 1 when 2 is done etc. Final top speed varies between 284 and 292 for some reason. And so we have to be aware of possible delays.
I am going to try out a couple of different fuel loads + routes see if I can reliably bring down the time - but just wanted to give a heads up on what looks real now.