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PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 3:23 am 
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Joined: Wed Nov 20, 2013 12:54 am
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Location: Tulsa
if you cant say any thing nice ....dont say it...

it's seems over the last several S3's scenerio's..tension is being brought to bare ..
several post have and are being made against the AE's on S'3 foreums... constantly poking throwing punches at us..from several players ..why .. arent we bigger that this gentilemen..

SO im ASKING all C.O.'s.. to know..to use..to communicate .. a thing called.
"THE VALVUE OF RESPECT" please lets stop ..these post . there is no benifit in it ... for anyone

AE's are Soldiers.... We march every frame blindly.stuppidly. like tom turkeys in the rain. Knowing we are nothing but FODDER knowing every frame.. we all die as sacifracial lambs..knowing A good night someone lives...it's very very very frustratings .so we bitch ..we complain here and there but thats what soldiers do. we run with our red passion in full blaze ..but you can count on this..as soldiers at T+0..AE's are Rolling to Orders of the mission... .AE's thrive on it .their is no greater feeling i have as C.O. for this group of men..knowing were out manned out gunned.every frame...knowing the end result.. we just gave you one hell of a good fight..we always will give you the best fight we can .. and we LOVE IT.. crazy we LOVE it.. evry flight we learn.. every frame we better..every scenerio we more confident..and we love it .

AE's... just was to march to the orders.. and NOT get tied up in someone elses "adgenda"

Bias'd based scenerio's
Set up by Bias'd based players
running a Bias'd based game ..
just to boost their Bias'd Ego's

rember.. this is not real life.. my real life issues will override S3's anytime


C.O. American Eagles

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 Post subject: Re: BAD MOUTHING
PostPosted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 10:34 pm 
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Thanks, Besea, for venting.

My experience over last 16 years or so in S3 and Main is most bad feelings are expressed in private on squad mail.

Public criticism and bad feelings have no place on our forums, huh? Only exception is a complaint about shooting someone in the chute or getting an extra life and doing harm or..... You know what I am talking about.

As far as "doing your duty" and "riding into the valley of the shadow of death" and my personal one " I have flown into the jaws of the doom pussy", I am with the AE.

Gums sends...

"God in your guts, good men at your back, wings that stay on - and Tally Ho!"

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 3:38 pm 
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Last series, the AE's bailed out of a frame that they were scheduled to provide the CO for and no one knew if you guys were going to fly at all. The 475th provided two frame CO's for the series as a result in our very first series ever.

This series once again the AE's declined to provide a frame CO causing hardship for other squads.

Bluzoo has absolutely no problem going "public" when he imagines something is wrong in a very vocal manner and he doesn't hold his tongue so I had no idea the AE's wanted all this done in "private".

Step up to the plate and provide frame CO's. Every squad is small and it is a hardship for everyone.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 2:52 am 
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i didn't need feel I need to air out My problems ...for you're approval

im am truely..truely sorry ,about last year. but i did not have the time last year,, for i found my self 16 days in hsp. fighting for my life over some thing .that was not a dease.
i did not plan to come home to find a half surgally alter foot. bearly able to sit my hair much less to lay even that foot on my pedals.. over some thing that wasnt my idea or fault . i did not have the time or did i have the want at that point to please you and youre demands., im not the one who wants to run the show...i just want to act..

i dint know that would offended you 2 so badly ... i truely truely sorry... ...I' am sory

i am truely sorry that just within the last 2 1/2 months i was allowed to put weight on it..for the first time . that i will alway haft wear them funny shoes .i am still trying to figure out how to walk again..i keep bouncing off things but geuss what for 2 months. im back at work putting in 60 + hours .

jst why you ask am i putting in that many Hours out in the Hanger crawlling all over those sick birds..when i dont haft to...

.because , you see there are always 15 guys back in the shop sitting at the break table, with their feet propped up .. it because of them.. i am that guy thats the mover the shake the doier thats been always breakiing new boundry's. the guy that gets all the praise. ..i do it for them

..so they can sit..so they can bitch .. so they can pass judgement...on things they know nothing about just flappin to be flappin..jsut sitting their noses in the air...trying always to trip me up slow me down ,look for some thing to tattle about always tring to get the pet in trouble you know 2nd grader tactics....you know the guys that always have a lil personal hidden "agenda's" to accomplish .because they know... they cannot do the things besea can. and it irks them...thats why im out there.. NOT them..that why im putting in that many hours.. so they can have fun with their's. so have it

So I ask you honestly...did you ever try to pm me...and ask for find out for you're self if there was a problem. .no you did not...you just sat in the chair with you feet propped up..pointing fingers passing judgment

i see this behaviors , attidues out of Grown adults very day it nothing new to me i deal with it every day gents . just wished you could see just how foolish it really looks.. for those how can see.. least im smart enough, old enough. that these matter are always settle out of public eyes in private in stead of sling it out in the open.. just the hear youre self talk ..

SO i am truely sorry if I dont meet up to you're exptations..and i dont fit into youre perfict sceams,plans, and agenda's exactly the way you have idealy dreamed them up.im sorry that you do not breath for me.im sorry i put my shoe on right leg first now.. . .. but i dont live by youre LEAVE...NOR are you my lord

no one in my squad want to co i have no other out let here so would you just please drop it move on okay let it lie

. the work is my theopary at this point .Gentile men. i need to be on this thing testing my limits with it.. i just dont have the TIME . NOR the desire...im in re-hab.. l'm learning to walk all over again .. with the time i have now im doing very good , to just get my prep in so that i can lead my guys..

AE's just want to march to the Orders and not get tied up in youre agendas
or is that just too much to ask..
but, if the pushing presist.. you can just scratch another squad, a squad of 15 yrs histroy, and we know you really... dont care .. do you..or is that youre agenda


C.O. American Eagles

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 11:16 pm 
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<S> Besea, I hope your health and work issues are clearing up and you're in a better place physically in the near future. I for one would not expect you to CO a frame until you get back into calmer skies.

However, I would encourage Bluzoo and/or Heaven to CO a frame once in a while. Especially Bluzoo, who does post quite regularly on the iENT forums and does have an extensive knowledge of WWII history and the S3's. He is currently the 15th leading killer all-time in S3's with 207 kills under his belt, so he had been around and has the capacity to take one on once in a while. Personally I think he would do great at it. He is outspoken enough that he probably should.

If it is the difference between losing the AE's from the S3's and not having anyone from the AE's CO a frame, then of course I personally would prefer to see you guys stay and not CO. You/the AE's are an important part of the game and I don't think anyone would want to lose you.

However, your group does need to expect and accept some grumbling from time-to-time if no one ever steps up to CO a frame. My personal opinion (Juice is now 352nd CO and this is just my opinion) is that CO duties should also be based on squad/group step size. So a 3-step group should CO 3 times as many frames as a 1-step.

At the same time, that doesn't mean someone like Beaver from the 1-step 417th RCAF should be limited from taking on more if he desires.

Sending good juju your way...



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PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 7:24 pm 
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Besea, hope you get better buddy and support you views. AE is a main stay and the S3's would be hurting without you guys. Not everyone is up to being a Frame CO, but what I do find is that I suck at it and look to those others to help guide me along.

Smaller squadrons I think shouldn't CO a frame because that means you are down a pilot and like the Nomands that fly with the Knights means only one would be able to fly. I am sure there are other reasons not to, but we should NEVER blast another CO in public for not stepping up.

I am on the line on this one and we need a calmer approach without pushing away another squadron.

Capt Hawk
CO - The Knights Who Say Ni!

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 8:17 pm 
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AE's are a part of, and have been as long as I can remember, a part of S3s. No one wants to see them go...

Now that I have discovered it is just CO if you want to, makes this whole thread a moot point.


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PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 9:36 pm 
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Hawk wrote:
Besea, hope you get better buddy and support you views. AE is a main stay and the S3's would be hurting without you guys. Not everyone is up to being a Frame CO, but what I do find is that I suck at it and look to those others to help guide me along.

Smaller squadrons I think shouldn't CO a frame because that means you are down a pilot and like the Nomands that fly with the Knights means only one would be able to fly. I am sure there are other reasons not to, but we should NEVER blast another CO in public for not stepping up.

I am on the line on this one and we need a calmer approach without pushing away another squadron.

What's the cutoff for "smaller squadron"? Anything less than five should fly with another squadron in any case and should participate as part of the larger group.

If the 475FG drops below 6 we won't participate as an autonomous group as that is essentially combat ineffective. Instead we would join another group for S3. Maybe the groups too small to offer up a CO need to bite the bullet and throw in with another group.

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 9:49 am 
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We're going to lose guys if we force them to fly with/as-part-of larger squadrons if they prefer not to. They should be given the option, but some prefer their size of 5 or less. Give them the option of banding with other smaller squadrons if they choose, but forcing them to do so is just going to drive guys off.


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PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 3:44 pm 
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Todzilla wrote:
We're going to lose guys if we force them to fly with/as-part-of larger squadrons if they prefer not to. They should be given the option, but some prefer their size of 5 or less. Give them the option of banding with other smaller squadrons if they choose, but forcing them to do so is just going to drive guys off.

It is time to stop worrying about what drives people off and start working on what brings people in. Fear of losing players has paralyzed Warbirds long enough.

The AE's complain about getting swamped by larger squads every frame to the point of claiming this

Bias'd based scenerio's
Set up by Bias'd based players
running a Bias'd based game ..
just to boost their Bias'd Ego's

If the rival gang is bigger than yours, team up with the other small gangs until yours is the biggest gang.

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