Bases/CAP Zones23rd Fighter Group --- F-144, F-158. Select aircraft from available inventory. Combat Air Patrol over the Western Sector from the Front to the South. If enemy attrition during the early portions of the Frame is evaluated as high, consider targets of opportunity later in the Frame if flying suitably-equipped aircraft from your inventory.
352nd Fighter Group --- F-160. Select aircraft from available inventory. Combat Air Patrol over the Eastern Sector from the Front to the South. If enemy attrition during the early portions of the Frame is evaluated as high, consider targets of opportunity later in the Frame if flying suitably-equipped aircraft from your inventory. Be prepared to provide sweep escort for the Doolittle Raiders in a late-frame attack on F-124 and F-125.
RCAF 127 --- F-138. Select aircraft from available inventory. STRIKE on F-113 and nearby bridge spans. You are your own cover. Get in and get out with stealth and speed. Following your STRIKE activities, assume CAP over your base area. IF you lose your base, relocate to the MOB. Intermediate fuel stops are acceptable, but you must proceed directly to the MOB and then operate from there. Assist with CAP activities once relocated to the MOB.
Doolittle's Raiders --- F-132 in the Neutral Zone. Select aircraft from available inventory. STRIKE on F-94, F-93, F-92 early in the Frame. Get in and get out, ASAP. Please post your numbers for a STRIKE on F-124 and F-125 between T+140 and T+160. Expect Sweep Escort on this mission from the 352nd CAP flights.
All fighter squads operating Hurri IIB aircraft are encouraged to select targets in your Zone, and near the Front, that can be closed with certainty with your combination of aircraft, for a possible STRIKE late in the Frame. ALL OT Objects at any location must be taken out. It is "better" to complete any one mission than to get lots of hits in multiple locations, but no "closures".
What the Enemy Can Throw At You<S>