This will be a "mini-S3" consisting of two frames. After the first frame players will switch countries and feel the other side's pain.
Running 2030hrs EDT, Sunday, May 8th and May 15th. This will be the last S3 of this year's season. iEN will be running a DoA event later in the month.
Rommel and his Afrika Korps are once again advancing eastward. The British Army was defeated in the Battle of Gazala on 27 May 42 and is in retreat towards Egypt. Although the British had hoped to extricate all of their troops eastward, Rommel has trapped the garrison at Tobruk. Rommel is attacking the fortress from the south east, on a line from El Adem (F42) towards the south side of the harbour. Axis armour will be represented by AI GVs (more details on AI will be announced later in the week)
Axis Objective - Protect the GVs of the Afrika Korps from air attack and soften targets along their line of advance.
Allied Objective - Destroy German and Italian ground forces before they reach the harbour at Tobruk.
Tobruk terrain, 38 mi grid
Fields not available for play will be set neutral and will fire at any nearby aircraft.
In flight map available
Planning map below. Note airfields at F3, F5 and F19 are not displayed. These fields are in no-mans land an unavailable to either side. Icons for these fields will be hidden and all objects destroyed. Do not land at these fields or you will lose a life.

Plane Set - all aircraft will be available at all friendly fields.
Axis: Bf-109F-4, Bf-109E-4, MC202 sVII, Bf110C-4
Allied: Spitfire Vb, Spitfire Vc, Hurricane MkIId, P-40E ---> ALLIED PILOTS MAY ONLY LAUNCH FROM TOBRUK (F54) IF THEY LANDED THERE AND MUST FLY THE SAME AIRCRAFT TYPE (this rule subject to revision)
Forced min fuel of 100%.
Pilot Lives - Three lives each. Life and aircraft "lost" if KIA, bail, crash, ditch or land at a non-airfield. Only one life in each aircraft type. Pilots may fly four different aircraft types, but may not exceed max three lives.
Radar - 30 miles, min alt 200 ft.
Flak - min alt 25,000ft
Weather - clear
Field Closure - AAA not required.
FRAME 1 SIDE ASSIGNMENTS - subject to change based on expected turnouts.
Allied - RCAF, 13 VRAF, 352nd
Axis - 4th, 23rd, AE, DRs, JG51, any one else who would like to play.
COs or lone wolves, please indicate your expected turnouts. Questions or comments welcome. As always, the Janitor reserve the right to make rule changes or clarifications.
edited 1715hrs EDT to insert dates!