The Allies landed at Normandy one week ago, but today, June 13th 1944, marks the start of Der Furher's vengeance, Operation Eisbär! The Fi 103 flying bombs, the Vergeltungswaffe 1, are finally in place and ready for launch. RAF bombing has severely crippled the plan, with only four of the missiles available at each of the surviving launch sites. If more than half of the sixteen missiles reach their target, Herr Goebbles has stated London will be in ruins!
The LW mission is to maximize the number of V-1 hits on London. LW may operate anywhere over the UK to interfere with the RAF defenses,
but all LW fighters must be RTB and "feet wet" not later than T+150 (2300hrs EDT). LW commander will be given the option on when and where each of the V-1s will be launched, any time between T+0 and ~ T+135. The final launches must be timed to ensure the V-1s would reach London anytime before T+160 (2310hrs EDT). The launch ramps can only catapult one V-1 at a time, and require between 15 and 30 minutes to prepare for a subsequent launch. Exact details to be provided in the Axis forum.
RAF mission is to stop the V-1 onslaught at all costs, short of intentionally ramming the V-1s. Intelligence assesses that once launched the V-1s will fly along the paths marked in red (see map below). The bombs are expected to fly at speeds between 390 and 400 mph (TAS). Fiesler has had some challenges with the V-1s altitude control system and the missiles porpoise above and below their programmed altitude. Expect to find them between 4,600 ft and 5,000 ft above sea level. There have also been some manufacturing challenges with the spoilers used to initiate the V-1's terminal dive. Two spoilers should deploy and cause the missiles to tip forward into a near vertical dive. The spoilers have been deploying asymmetrically, causing the V-1s to roll inverted and dive in a broad spiral instead. The results on the ground remain the same.
RAF may not attack the V-1 launch sites, that was your job in the previous four frames.
Plane set:
RAF: Tempest V, Spitfire Mk XIVe, Spitfire Mk IXe available at all airfields in the UK. One life per aircraft type. NO AIRSTARTS.
LW: Fw190A-4, Fw190A-8, Bf109G-14 ASM available at all airfields in France north of the X,2 line. One life per a/c type.
The arena will be open for practice later today (Thursday) until Sunday, with V-1s launching ~ every 25 minutes.----------------------------------------
Edit. For pre-frame practice ONLY there will be a 10K airstart at F17 Staplehurst and RADAR will be available inflight.
In flight map available
Planning map below. Note V-1s are not targeting the tower at F-8, but the structures to the SW of it.

As always, the Janitors reserve the right to update/clarify the rules as necessary.