Gums wrote:
I am not going to be a gentle as the Stalkers.
To develop an effective communication and coordination protocol, I have one suggestion we can try for a frame and then go from there.
A lite or two should follow we strikers down in the weeds and provide posreps and other stuff using only the text buffer. If we choose to fly at historical medium buff altitudes versus sneaky SoF profiles, ditto. The sacrificial lites can use our TS and only communicate with the rest of the frogs using the buffer.
more later, but Robert has a point that should be addressed. It is not having the friendly lites at 30,000 feet whether we buff "targets" are at 200 feet or even 10,000 feet.
Gums sends....
As a person who knows how hard it can be in the weeds, they could talk to their group on TS and one of them can post without hitting a hillside.