Thank you Beaver.
I will start looking into the targets assigned us and will try to get a time schedule for you.
Also... I think we need to call out which targets we are attacking this frame... example target number XXX as we will not be able to run the same mission in future frames.
11. Special Operation Missions - the Allies may designate a maximum of 12 special operations missions per frame while the Germans may have a maximum of 3 per frame. All the Allied special operation missions must be in the designated Operations Area(North or South) for the frame. Only those designated for that frame may be attacked. Careful planning is required to make sure as many of the missions can be completed successfully. Some missions score more than others so this should be taken into account as well. Mission parameters and requirements are detailed in the Mission List. All missions allocated for a frame are then removed from the list for subsequent frames regardless of the results. They can only be planned as a target once. If you pick twelve targets you should make sure there is a good chance of getting all twelve otherwise you will loose any you dont attack for the series.
on a side note... I've built an upgraded computer and still have to get all the joysticks & settings & installations all ironed out.