We had a good turnout tonight with 16 pilots heeding the call at T+0: Besea-, Booner, Countt, Crommm, Darken, foss-j, Hookem, Hookls, -Lehi-, okdoc-, ozzone, Pppepp, Rock--, Swanee, Waggaa, and Docgxx. Welcome -Lehi- and docgxx to the fun.
Sortie 1:
We launched and headed NW to link up with the human Buff group. An AI buff group was sent in ahead and we positioned just ahead of the human Buffs where we could also see the AI group. The targets were F33 and F37. It didn't take long for the enemy to find us. As planned, the AI group took the heat first. We swept ahead of the human Buffs while leaving a high contingent over the Buffs. The enemy were engaged and repeatedly forced down. Discipline was good and we didn't chase. Swoop in, force them down, climb to the Buffs. The action was nonstop from feet dry to feet wet. We managed one kill vs two losses (one to an overspeed dive) in Sortie 1.
Sortie 2:
F33 and F37 still had a few targets up which meant another trip through the meatgrinder. It was rinse and repeat with hordes of Spits and Hurri's. Being that Hurri's are the RAF designated strike bombers and they must take off with bombs, I find it disconcerting that so many of them are encountered at altitude in what is clearly a bomber intercept role (nudge nudge
). No matter, we did our job and got most of the human Buffs in and out. We got two more kills in sortie 2. The Buffs returned home with mission accomplished and both targets down. So did we and AE stood down.
Final score as per Phenix data:
Kills = 3: Besea 1, foss-j 1, Docgxx 1
Losses = 2: Swanee, Hookls (overspeed)
Thanks to Jabo and the side CO's for putting together our fun.
Thanks to Phenix for all he does with the log....especially over this challenging past week.
American Eagles
PS: We're keeping your ride souped up and ready when real life permits Phenix. S!