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PostPosted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 6:29 pm 
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briar wrote:
Well said Tod. I don't recall exactly how Sunday was selected as the day to hold the S3 but I'm pretty sure that there were valid reasons such as availability of the Janitors, time needed by the Janitors to prepare, best time for most players, etc. A Saturday S3 would also sort of break up the week end for people taking week end trips and such. It has been working well for a long time so I believe we need to leave it alone.


Those are good points, BRIAR. All the points that you mentioned were probably taken into consideration when Sunday was selected for the event. I am not the first nor the only person to suggest that we consider Saturday for the event. What I am suggesting is nothing different than what BOLLOK suggested earlier in this thread. After 15 years, maybe it's time to re-evaluate the day of the event. Remember, there has been much discussion recently about trying to boost the numbers in the S3 participation. That's why I shared my two-cents here. I think my proposal for a survey has been lost in all these posts. A survey is simply to gather data for consideration. Is there anything inherently wrong with doing it?


PostPosted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 7:22 pm 
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bollok wrote:
I really don't understand the 24/7 concept either.

If you cannot all fly together as a single group what is the point?

Our squad times are roughly 8pm to Midnight GMT.
* midday - 4pm PST
* 3pm - 7pm EST

Our Squad night is on Sunday (finishes about 1.5 hours before the S3 starts)

We would not recruit any players that is not able to come online and fly with the group during this regular time slot.
There is no benefit for either party if you cant fly together as a unit
You cannot adequately train new squad members in the accepted squad / community practices.
There would be no control element from squad leadership.
It would only take away potential new players from other squads that operate in their same time zone.

Squads should be limited to +/- 20 players max IMO.

I do not share your opinions/theories. While you may have some interesting theories about large squads, they do not apply to the Doolittle's Raiders. The squad flies 24/7 and we have squaddies to fly with just about every hour of the day. It was by design. As for training, again, your theory doesn't hold true in our case. We have no issues with training our squaddies. We have no "control" issues. As for taking potential new players from other squads, we don't stop you from recruiting during the time you fly. Recruit all that you want.

I challenge you to consider the concept of attrition and what it means in relation to squad recruitment.


PostPosted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 7:24 pm 
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bollok wrote:

Would these potential S3 times suddenly prohibit the majority of US based players from attending ?
Midday - 3pm PST Sunday
3pm - 6pm EST Sunday

How would he or anyone else know the answer to that question unless a "survey" was conducted?


PostPosted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 11:25 pm 
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You have some really good points to consider.

Capt Hawk
CO - The Knights Who Say Ni!

PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 5:32 pm 
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bollok wrote:
Would these potential S3 times suddenly prohibit the majority of US based players from attending ?
Midday - 3pm PST Sunday
3pm - 6pm EST Sunday

I don't think you understand the impact the following would have on mid-day Sunday US attendance:

- Chuch
- Hunting season
- Wives

Mid-day on a Sunday is a lot to give up for guys who want to work around the house on the weekend. It would chop your day in half and make the day unusable for any kind of project, short hunting trip, mini-vacation, etc. I've been able to schedule many weekend trips to Vegas, Portland, Montana, etc. around S3's in the current timeframe which would have been unworkable if it was earlier. I can attend most Seahawk games in person and still make it back for an S3.

Survey away and let us know what you call the new event. The S3's will be from 5:30 - 8:30 Pacific time, as they have for the last 15 years.


PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 6:13 pm 
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Survey away and let us know what you call the new event. The S3's will be from 5:30 - 8:30 Pacific time, as they have for the last 15 years.

I agree with your points before this statement and the following is just to clarify what the S3 has always been about. I don't think you alone have the right to make the above statement as the S3s are for the players by the players. It is also called the Squad Select Series because it consists of more than one Squadron. This is not the Todzilla Select Series. If the Community decides as a group AND the Janitors can accomodate their requests for a time/day change then YOU can call your 5:30 - 8:30 Pacific time event whatever you want because the S3 day/time will change. Just sayin.

Again I do not want to move the day/time for the exact reaons you point out amoung others statements as well.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 4:26 am 
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Never meant to imply that I had final say. More of a "good luck storming the castle."

Darryl, you are of course welcome to proceed with your efforts to change the S3's to a new timeframe of your convenience.


PostPosted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 8:50 am 
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So Chunky, how do you see this survey taking place? By squad? If so does a squad of 2 or 3 carry as much weight with their vote as a squad with 20+? By individual pilot? Does tenure carry any weight or does a single squad of 75 - most of whom have less than 20 S3 sorties - get to dictate our new schedule? What if Jabo still says no? Do we boot him and find a new janitor?

Curious on how this little vote is going to work.


PostPosted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 9:07 am 
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Fellas, fellas, fellas....

For a forum that is for the CO/XO bunch to openly discuss ANY issues, this forum fails miserably.

Over the years of my involvement in the S3, I have been encouraged by those who have been involved longer, to "just keep quiet and don't say anything because it will make you look bad." They suggested that I not defend myself or my squad from attacks from certain people/squads because everyone will see them for who/what they are. I have never been the type to sit back and not be involved in the process of discussion/debate when I felt I had something to offer. All of you (more than a handful) that gave me that advice know who you are.

This most recent thread is a prime example of what really goes on in here and it isn't that much different than the open forums; just with fewer participants. An idea is floated and a person is attacked for doing so.

I have heard over the years from many in and out of my squad who wished they could participate in the S3, but can't because of the time it is played. It's no secret that there appear to be fewer people playing S3, these days, compared to 4-5 years ago. So, the idea of the survey was just a way to gather data that might help us get more people to be able to join us.

How about we just forget it? I ONLY suggested that we do a SURVEY... haha... I'm over it.

And, TODZLA, I am not directing these comments at you, personally. They are directed at the real problem of this and every forum. People don't like change. People see those who are willing to consider change as threats to the status quo. And, a few (you know who I'm talking about), like to use the conflict to push their own agenda. All of this and more simply leads to a stifled forum, which is not as helpful to the community as it might otherwise be.

Let's get on with more important things. I'm not sure what those things might be, but let's get on with them. :)


PostPosted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 4:15 pm 
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Gee Tod, I am sure we as a Community of adults (although I question this sometimes) could figure it out. Get off your horse man. Your voice is no more important than any other CO here. This is a discussion. If there are 150 who want the change and only your 25 pilots who don't then guess what?

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