Swede- wrote:
Thank you both for the quick response, must be on my end cause I cannot take a full right or left redder with this aircraft.
Again thanks for the tips and expertise
I use 50% throttle or less until the the tail is off the ground and the rudder is fully effective.
There is generally no need to get to full power in a hurry in any of the fighter types on takeoff.
Even in the heavy taildraggers I flew I never pushed the manifold pressure up to Takeoff before the tail was up and solid.
The one technique we are missing online with these types is split throttles. I would always put a little twist in the throttles so the left engine was developing more power than the right to help with the left swing.
I can tell you a right turn from a stop is hard in real life in a multiengine taildragger and usually never done with both engines, just the left.
Counter rotating props is a boon.