Beaver wrote:
Hi Kelly:
Are you going to be available to do my iEN TS permissions before the Wednesday practice (or Saturday practice if that is better)?
Should I show up at 8:45 pm? is 15 minutes enough?
It's 10am Sunday now. I will login and hopefully catch you. Also, I will be logging in and out throughout the day to get as many CO permissions set as is possible. I will also, be on around 6 pm until the S3 begins. Assuming there will be an S3 or other event. This applies to anybody who needs assistance. Just so you know, only SA can apply Moderator and Channel Officer permissions, so decide who within your group is to get those permissions and they will be taken care of. Thanks!
As time goes on and testing continues, permissions may be modified to allow more power for Moderators. Until I am completely satisfied that the system secure, it will remain as is.