Bombers were right on time and alt, this made it easy for the escorts to join up all night long. Bombers did an amazing job closing 4 yes 4 fields F213, F255, F233, and F6. This struck a crippling blow to the LW. Escorts, your performance was nothing less then spectacular. You fought a running battle all the way into the target and out, keeping the bombers alive to do there job. Escorts stayed with the buffs sacrificing kills for buff safety, Thank you. This same scenario went on all night long. It was amazing watching all of you execute the plan we had.
This was my first time as CO, I enjoyed working with all of you and look forward to many more to come.
A special thanks to Mr Wolf, Mr Hawk, Mr Noflz for all your help.
<S> STN Hogjaws 352nd Fighter Group 486th Fighter Squadron