S3 Series

CO AAR - CTK frame 1
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Author:  Robert [ Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:27 pm ]
Post subject:  CO AAR - CTK frame 1

It was a cloudy and silent day when the Russian commander's transport plane was suddenly ambushed by high-lurking 109Gs deep into russian territory. With their leader dead it would be up to the russian comrades and pilots at the front, forming a quick plan of battle, to save the motherland and stop the germans from breaking through their lines as the nazis launched their campaign of a desperate counter-offensive.

* We can score many points by keep sending strikes NOE deep into german southern territory. The ports and fields at the western part of map are wide open for closing.
* Fighter squads need to quickly rush to support eachother in order to make a stand. The enemy has superior planes and the 352nd.
* PE2 (mosquitos) are fast and should be able to strike without getting caught.
* The yak9 seems to be the best choice for air-to-air fighting.

---=== Report ===---

Hastily forming a plan my thought was to have the 3 south fighter-squads close to eachother for a flexible defence and mutual assistance. This would also allow the DRs to strike in the middle with protection while the NS/MF did stealth-attacks deep into german territory. Up north the skilled pilots of the 23rd was to protect our northern assets, but more importantly duel the german presence so that the nomads could do their job.

A big <S> to the RCAF for your sound plan of softening up F281 and your sacrifice which kept F208 open. I sent the AE to your assistance but alas they arrived to late to save your pilots. However it was not in vain as your struggle brought the 109Gs low and the AE managed to kill several of them.

The AEs were just outstanding with their small number of pilots getting such a tally and harass the Nazi strikes.

I couldn't ask more of the 4th who responded quickly to my orders and fought the superior 109Gs the entire frame. By killing their buffs and being a nail-in-the-eye, you guys prevented the enemy from closing F32 (30 points saved).

Some things cannot be planned for and our main bomb-force the DRs was thoroughly decimated when they lost all but two of their pilots, crashing into the ground at a mass screen freeze. This severly hampered our ability to close fields in the middle but the RCAF, 23rd and remaining DRs did a good job to close 281 and 153. Unfortunately the NS/MF were downed early, but a big <S> to the hero of the day: houndg managed to close port 42 single-handedly strafing it down with his last 3% ammo.

Up north the 23rd picked their fights wisely, avoiding the huge swarm of Nazi fighters. Alas the Nomads were cruelly ambushed on their way to target. Due to a radar-anomaly (I saw it myself) the whole 352nd suddenly spawned on top of our fighters downing several 23rd men. A big thanks though to the 23rd who kept fighting to the teeth the whole frame and even finished off 281.

The commitment of the squads and willingness to follow risky orders is all a CO could wish for. I calculate the Germans pulled off a small win, but with no plan a few hours before the start of the S3 and the mass-death of DR + 23rd pilots due to game-anomalies, I think we all did one heck of a job.

<S> Comrades!!! <S>

---=== End Report ===---

CO - CTK frame 1
4th FG - XO 336th

Author:  Beaver [ Fri Nov 22, 2013 1:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CO AAR - CTK frame 1

Thanks for stepping up Robert :)

Author:  sepua [ Fri Nov 22, 2013 3:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CO AAR - CTK frame 1

A bold move from a bold comarade!

Thanks for the quick great plan, Sir


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