S3 Series

352nd Fighter Group TS Frame 4 AAR
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Author:  dewolf [ Mon Mar 17, 2014 11:59 pm ]
Post subject:  352nd Fighter Group TS Frame 4 AAR


The Group was based at two nearby fields and was tasked along with the AEs and an element of the 4th FG to escort the Nomads to their initial target of F-37. Communications with the Nomads were excellent and we had one flight intercept and escort them to the target while our other two flights swept the area for enemy fighters who may have been based there or coming in from the NE. The Nomads did an excellent job of AAA suppression, followed by numerous strafing runs by our flights and elements of the AEs and the 4th FG. Soon the field was closed to enemy operations.
As our flights were RTB following the field closure, radio traffic was indicating that the elements of the 4th FG who had been based on our CVs were dealing with a large number of enemy fighters and bombers in the close neighborhood of friendly CVs. Frame CO, Coolon, immediately retasked the escort fighters for the Nomads in the South and East to get to the area of the CVs ASAP as a large strike was inbound to our floating airfields. On arrival there the CVs were under attack, and the battle to attempt to save the CVs was engaged. Enemy traffic was so heavy that many of our elements who were low fuel and ammo could not risk a carrier landing to replenish their supplies. There was also a rather uninteresting AI battle going on between AIfriendly and enemy destroyers in the area that filled the sky with AAA puffs which only confused the situation. Until it was determined that it was an AI battle going on (which had to have some predetermined result) operations in the area were rather confusing. Ultimately, both of the CVs were lost to enemy attacks, and our flights had to attempt to make it back to land bases. Some made it to airfields, some did not and had to make "emergency" landings at locations that would not support a takeoff once they had made a landing or "safe ditch" at those locations.

Many of our pilots deserve "honorable mention" for their work with ground targets. Many targets remained at our initial assigned target field after the Nomads had removed the AAA threats there. Assisted by the AEs and the 4th FG all of the required targets at F-37 were strafed down. Many of our pilots were "ground pounder" Aces, with pilot Yobtee taking out 18 different ground targets both at F-37, and at his assigned base.


Many of our pilots earned Forestry Merit Badges for their hard work in removing palm tree obstacles at their base fields and at the target field. It is our understanding that the Nomads also handed-out a few of these for palm tree clearance from their home base as well.

See our action on the WBs Facebook page as presented by DobsFilms.




The Command Staff of the 352nd FG is pleased to announce that the following pilots have operated their F4F-4 aircraft skillfully enough through the first four Frames of the Series to become Series Aces:

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Frame 4

Juice=: Kills (2). A6M3 (2). Assist: (2).
Vulche: Kills (2). A6M3 (2).
-Oskar: Kills (2). A6M3 (2).
-Epic-: Kills (1). A6M3 (1). Assist: (1). Ground targets: (16).
JlordJ: Kills (1). A6M3 (1). Assist: (1). Ground targets: (10).
Todzla: Kills (1). A6M3 (1). Assist: (2). Ground targets: (6).
=Dobs=: Kills (1). A6M3 (1). Assist: (1). Ground targets: (2).
Fencer: Kills (1). A6M3 (1). Assist: (1).
Chicdg: Kills (1). A6M3 (1). Ground targets (6).
-Grip-: Kills (1). A6M3 (1). Ground targets: (3).
HogJaw: Assist (1). Ground targets: (5).
RedSgt: Assist (1).
Yobtee: Ground targets (18).
=JMan=: Ground targets (9).
Skuzzr: Ground target (2).
=Blue=: Ground target (1).


•23 pilots
•73 sorties
•66 safe landing(s)
•7 airframe(s) lost ( 7 x F4F-4 *)
•5 pilot(s) KIA
•0 taken POW
•13 victories
•10 assist(s)
•78 ground objects and/or AI destroyed

Thanks to Coolon for putting together a good overall plan, and for great reactions to Frame events, and to our Janitors.


Author:  weiser [ Tue Mar 18, 2014 1:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 352nd Fighter Group TS Frame 4 AAR

I rode with juice= at the end of the frame after spending most of the night scouting for enemy convoy's and suffering a massive head injury induced by an invisible mast on an enemy destroyer I strafed. Have some great acms of his and others kills over our cv.

But his email rejects attachments - who should I send to?

Author:  dewolf [ Tue Mar 18, 2014 1:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 352nd Fighter Group TS Frame 4 AAR

weiser wrote:
I rode with juice= at the end of the frame after spending most of the night scouting for enemy convoy's and suffering a massive head injury induced by an invisible mast on an enemy destroyer I strafed. Have some great acms of his and others kills over our cv.

But his email rejects attachments - who should I send to?

Aren't the file sizes of ACM Cams HUGE? Could be that they are bigger than most people's email storage capacity. Try sending it to me. If I get it, I'll pass it along to DobsFilms.

Author:  Gums [ Tue Mar 18, 2014 3:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 352nd Fighter Group TS Frame 4 AAR


Great write up, Wolf.

If we could get a TBF at your fields, and be legal, then no problema shooting up the trees with our Ma-Deuce in the tail gun. Tried it, and worked like a charm. Taxi down rwy, turn around and destroy the suckers on the way back for normal takeoff roll.

I killed many trees in real life , plus a few monkeys, but we saw all the tree kills on the intell channel and were laughing about it. I told the NS and Nomads on our freq it was the Blue Noses clearing the runway. Gotta love it.

Gums sends...

Author:  weiser [ Wed Mar 19, 2014 12:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 352nd Fighter Group TS Frame 4 AAR

dewolf wrote:
weiser wrote:
I rode with juice= at the end of the frame after spending most of the night scouting for enemy convoy's and suffering a massive head injury induced by an invisible mast on an enemy destroyer I strafed. Have some great acms of his and others kills over our cv.

But his email rejects attachments - who should I send to?

Aren't the file sizes of ACM Cams HUGE? Could be that they are bigger than most people's email storage capacity. Try sending it to me. If I get it, I'll pass it along to DobsFilms.

Will do my friend

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