S3 Series

TS Frame 4 Orders
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Author:  Coolon [ Sat Mar 15, 2014 12:50 am ]
Post subject:  TS Frame 4 Orders

Doolittle’s Raiders
You are to base 2 steps of strike aircraft on the Carrier Task force (airframes at your discretion) devastators, dauntless & wildcats as you see fit.
Another Step can be based at 54 (Russell Islands)

Mission1: Destruction of Japanese shipping wherever encountered
Initial Goal will be the Static shipping at Grid Coordinates 7.8.5 Sightings report the convoy consists of 4 destroyers and 4 transport ships.
In order to confuse enemy aircraft you are to fly north of our forces and attack from the northeast then egress to the east before turning south. Be aware there may be an enemy Carrier in the vicinity to protect those ships. You may want to select a few pilots in your squad to fly close escort with your TBDs.
Your 3rd step based at the Russell Islands is yours to direct, however they might search for and strike enemy shipping near the 7.6 cross (destroyer group 5) Or they can help in the attacks on the west front.
FIGHTER SWEEPS /CAP & ESCORT will be provided by the 4th fighter group
Second Mission
Attack enemy shipping Off F25
The Carrier fleet will be steaming towards this target all night… you are free to attack when range and timing allow.
BE AWARE if an enemy CV is found you may be tasked with it’s destruction.

Night Stalkers & Nomads

Based at 45 TBD Devastators & bombs
NOMADS ARE TO TAKE OUT AAA at F37 (2-40mm, 1-20mm & 1-mg) drop remaining ordinance on targets at 37.
Return to base for shipping strike port 36 (torpedo)

Nightstalkers at 45 TBD Devastators
Anti Shipping strike VS AI destroyer group 4 - return to base, rearm for port36 strike coordinate with 352nd

NOMADS & NIGHTSTALKERS after shipping strike at port 36 Return to base at the Russell islands (switch with 4th fighters step)


352ND BASED ON THE WESTERN FRONT (F38 2-STEPS, F40 1-STEP) (1-step on russel islands if you need one more step)
Establish air superiority over F-37, protect shipping assets to the north, provide cover for strikes at 37 & port 36. Strafe targets at 37 as opportunity arises. Work with American Eagles, Nomads & Nightstalkers.
early in the frame we will need fighter cover for TBDs hitting the port at 36

4th Fighter Group
split between 2 steps Naval Action and one step based at 53 (russell Islands)
CV steps (2) Protect our Carrier Group, Sweep target area at 785 just in front of DR strike
Please coordinate for timing.
Cover DR for the duration of the frame. (DR may have some of their own fighters with them.)
SCOUT Find the enemy CV (allocate resources & airframes as desired)

3rd Step based at 53 Move to the western front, loiter/cap shipping assist 352nd & AE unless directed otherwise.
Land and rebase at 45 as the Nomads & Night Stalkers will be switching with you.

American Eagles
Based at F40 Work with 352nd to establish air superiority over the front lines. You may attack targets of opportunity as you see fit. be alert to our ships to the north tied to 31. Strikes will be announced over Green Channel.

ALL AIRCRAFT be on the lookout for enemy shipping. Give Number and Description of ships, coordinates and heading This will be extreemly helpful.

Good Luck & God's speed.

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