S3 Series

Frame 1
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Author:  Muzz [ Wed Jan 05, 2022 8:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Frame 1

Our Comrades are already ashore near Axis Coastal Artillery 192 and 291 (map to follow). The liberation of Crimea has begun! What a glorious day for the Soviet peoples!
If they reach their objectives, CA192 and CA291 will be captured and the fields re-built. If the assault forces are left to their own devices, (i.e. not attacked or not supported), they have a remote chance of capturing the artillery fields. To assist them, destroy Axis AAA guns firing at them. Destroying other field objects will not help with their attack. Be careful to avoid fratricide!

Luftwaffe ground attack aircraft are located at F8, a mere 3 minutes away from CA192 and will likely be able to obliterate the assault troops if not opposed. Soviet P-39s at F261 are ~ 4 minutes away. Expect a low and bloody fight against Fw109F-8s and Ju-87s.

Assault ships are sailing from Dock48 to CA192 and from just east of CA293 (friendly) to CA192. Protect these ships as they are carrying the second wave of assault troops. The lives of thousands of your comrades depend upon it.

A report has just come in! The assault troops are under heavy fire from the defensive guns and are being wiped out! Quickly, man you planes and attack the enemy AAA positions!

Author:  Muzz [ Thu Jan 06, 2022 9:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Frame 1

Map below illustrates the amphibious assault. The red lines near F192 and F291 are the path of the first wave of assault troops, already ashore (at T+0).
Theses troops should sweep into F192 at ~T+10 if not opposed, and push forward towards Kerch. Troops to the south will take 20-30min to reach F291.
Lines at sea are the second assault waves, starting at T+0. There are three groups of two transports each in the northern and one group of two transports and two groups of a transport and a trawler in the south. They all should be in position to put additional troops ashore starting at ~T+50, then they will withdraw. Each group of two ships carries a company of assault troops. These are the only transports we have, so if they are sunk, there will be no second assault wave.

NB: Field 107 will not be available to the Luftwaffe. Partisans have put it out of action.


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