S3 Series

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Author:  nookyb [ Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:57 pm ]
Post subject:  S3 #121 THE NORTH SEA FRAME 2

The North Sea. July 1940


The Germans have invaded and now occupy Norway, Denmark, Belgium, France, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.

King George Vl has appointed Winston Churchill as Prime Minister of the UK upon the resignation of Neville Chamberlain.

As more U-boats are commissioned into the German navy, the terrible toll on neutral merchant shipping has intensified. After the first 6 months of the war, Norway had lost 49 ships with 327 men dead; Denmark 19 ships for 225 sailors killed and Sweden 32 ships for 243 men lost

Hitler has ordered that victory should be “as soon as possible”. His orders include the complete obliteration of all RAF flying squadrons and their ground support units, as well as the destruction of the entire British aircraft industry. With nearly 3,000 aircraft stationed in France, Belgium, Holland and Norway, the German Luftwaffe outnumber us by four to one.

The Battle of Britain has begun...

"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few"-Winston Churchill.

Good luck!


Defend Britain! Shoot down the Hun invaders. Hunt down and destroy any Uboats operating in the Channel or North Sea. Defend our Naval blockade and supply lines. Bomb any axis ground targets if the opportunity arises.

Points will be scored as:

Airfields, Rail Yards, Ports, Aircraft factories all legit targets. Towns, Villages and cities are verboten.

15 close a port
20 close an airfield
25 close a rail yard
40 close an aircraft factory

no points for Dar towers...but you get obvious benefits from destroying them.

Same points as Frame 1 for Ai ships, Uboats, aircraft

Author:  nookyb [ Fri Nov 20, 2020 4:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: S3 #121 THE NORTH SEA FRAME 2

DR's can you try to sink the Uboats in the area? It would give us some good points.

I would discourage any kind of bomber mission into axis territory as all avaialble fighters will be defending Britain and our shipping.

Once you get done with the Uboats, you can jump into fighters and help us defend.

All other squads defend Britain.

Squads will need to have 50% of your pilots in Hurricanes for their 1st 2 sorties. (If players get shot down in spits, the hurri pilots can jump in a spit- no more than 50% in spits at any given time). As there were more Hurris than Spits in the BOB. Unless a squad wants to volunteer to all take the Hurricane.

I definitley want the 4th's top guns in spits.

4th Hurricanes go after the Axis Buffs.... 4th Spits go after Axis fighters.

Also consider.... the axis have He111 and Do17 which will come in high with escort...but also will most likely bring in Stukas low. so we will need a team of hurries low to go after the stukas.


Author:  split [ Fri Nov 20, 2020 6:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: S3 #121 THE NORTH SEA FRAME 2

After a quick look at the map and fields etc... I see only one Port(F72) and one Rail yard (F75) in play, is that correct? Rail lines that terminate (like F50 and 52) are not labeled as rail yards. I noticed there are some airfields that will be easier for them to close for points as well.

Author:  Muzz [ Sat Nov 21, 2020 12:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: S3 #121 THE NORTH SEA FRAME 2

All rail yards/depots (yellow circle with cross) and uk ports are in play. Not all fields are equally easy to close. If they do a good recce and so do we, Probable targets are easier to identify
Need to defend smartly (get bomber kills), also need to score points with sub kills.
LW will see their subs and may cap. We need to find and sink.

Posted from my iPhone so apologies for grammar

Author:  split [ Sat Nov 21, 2020 4:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: S3 #121 THE NORTH SEA FRAME 2

Thanks. Unfortunately us Mac folks don't have the luxury of seeing the markings for what type of location the fields are using the in game map. I'll have to write some descriptors down from the map you posted in the general forum.

Author:  nookyb [ Sun Nov 22, 2020 7:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: S3 #121 THE NORTH SEA FRAME 2

On the map, the airfields have either a bomber icon or a fighter icon. Fighter airbases are a bit smaller and therefore easier to close.

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